Unofficial FO Wiki Back Up

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posted on August 23rd, 2012, 6:27 pm
I don't know where the original topic went to, but a while ago I started an unofficial Fleet Operations Wikipedia-style website (with the permission of the Fleet Operations administrators) as an experiment. Later, I had to reformat my hard drive (backing up both my website and the unofficial FO-Wiki) and reinstall everything. Sorry it took so long, but the unofficial Fleet Operations Wikipedia is back online. You may notice a few changes to the structure of the site as well.

Click here to go to the unofficial FO Wiki.

IMPORTANT: This is the unofficial fleet operations wikipedia.
posted on August 24th, 2012, 1:24 am
This is actualy kinda cool.. but its unfinished :(
posted on August 24th, 2012, 12:29 pm
Bookmarked! Great job but that's a lot of work too.
posted on August 24th, 2012, 2:13 pm
Styer Crisis wrote:This is actualy kinda cool.. but its unfinished :(

I know. I'm going to set up some "template" pages so that the community can create pages that are consistent with the page style that has been set. I do need to add in a few extensions too. Especially for references.

JeanLucPicard wrote:Bookmarked! Great job but that's a lot of work too.


Yes, it will be a lot of work. But hopefully, the community will be able to help after I create enough pages to show what the structure should look like.

If possible, if there are any new news events posted on the site, please add the following code in the "Fleet Operations News" table on the main page of the wiki using the following code:
Code: Select all
{{FONews|article_url|Article Title|Brief Description}}

NOTE: Do not include the "//" part of the URL. That has been predefined in the template. Just include the part of the URL that's after the "//"

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