Weapons Vs. Shield/hull

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posted on August 15th, 2005, 12:29 pm
from the various trek tv shows/movies i have seen i have noticed the following things

1. that pulsed phasers, and to a lesser extent, torpedoes (photon, and quantum) cause "bleed through" damage to the targets hull. with pulsed phasers there is almost always atleast some bleed through damage to the ships hull even when shields read 100% powerlevel, and torpedoes start to get bleed through damage at about 60-70% (quantum torpedos have greater bleed through damage and a higher level of penetration). now, i have also noticed this with Starfleet Command: vol 3 (/w the TNG mega mod aka dominion wars+). will the mod have bleed through damage at some point? if not, that's cool. it would keep the battles longer if you did keep it out.

2. when you add the dominion to fleet ops, will they have poleron (that can't be spelled right) beams, and torpedoes as primary weapons? and will the other races be able to develop shields that those weapons can't instantly penetrate?

and finally.
watching the movies/tv shows i noticed that damage to the warpcore can and most likely will cause a warpcore breach, and a destructive shockwave follows shortly after. is this going to go into the mod at some point if it is possible to create a script or something that can measure warpcore damage, or something like that and trigger a breach? keep in mind that it wouldn't happen every single time, but once in a while? like by %ages or something?

if your having trouble following me, sorry it's like 5am here and i haven't slept yet :wacko:
posted on August 15th, 2005, 6:40 pm
1. that pulsed phasers, and to a lesser extent, torpedoes (photon, and quantum) cause "bleed through" damage to the targets hull. with pulsed phasers there is almost always atleast some bleed through damage to the ships hull even when shields read 100% powerlevel, and torpedoes start to get bleed through damage at about 60-70% (quantum torpedos have greater bleed through damage and a higher level of penetration). now, i have also noticed this with Starfleet Command: vol 3 (/w the TNG mega mod aka dominion wars+). will the mod have bleed through damage at some point? if not, that's cool. it would keep the battles longer if you did

I dont really know what u mean :P

2. when you add the dominion to fleet ops, will they have poleron (that can't be spelled right) beams, and torpedoes as primary weapons? and will the other races be able to develop shields that those weapons can't instantly penetrate?

It would be great that races would have to research a counter-measure for dominion weapons, though I doubt this will be the case. Simply because of at least 3 factors:
first is balancing, just think if a dominion player would choose to rush at the beginning and noone would be able to hold them

second is simply because we dont know what about borg or noxter or ciadan or iconian ;)

third is that I dont think this can be done :D

watching the movies/tv shows i noticed that damage to the warpcore can and most likely will cause a warpcore breach, and a destructive shockwave follows shortly after. is this going to go into the mod at some point if it is possible to create a script or something that can measure warpcore damage, or something like that and trigger a breach? keep in mind that it wouldn't happen every single time, but once in a while? like by %ages or something?

That would be great and then ships would cause some serious area damage :) but it would only happen to like 1 in 20?? Also it would be great if this was somehow linked to the engine system, so when it gets destroyed or something it might also cause a warpcore breach :)
posted on August 15th, 2005, 7:28 pm
for the bleedthrough damage i think it is only possible if you turn "shieldprotection" to 0. but if you do this you will also get the ludicrous crew loss per shot, that REALLY annoyed me. e.g. fusion cube would be derilict before it shields had even been reduced to 8% :mad: its a nice idea but don't think it possible with A2's game engine :(

again second would be nice, but would soon lose its appeal when you get trounced by AI easy cos you haven't been able to research countermeasures, OR you trounce AI hard cos you have researched counters & the AI cant adapt like a human player would. any human playing as dominion would simply sweep the map clean at the start of the game. :x

the third idea sounds like the critical hit feature in stock A2 mixed with the self destruct explosion. anyone notice when a ship would simply explode, even with plenty of hp? found that more of a hinderance than anything else :hmmm: although it would be more cannon, in this case too cannon. :blink:
posted on August 15th, 2005, 8:34 pm
Last edited by Optec on August 15th, 2005, 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Some special weapons in v3 will be able to penetrate the enemies shieldings and damage the hull or destroy sub systems. all "normal" weapons will first have to get the hostile shields down and then kill the rest of the vessel :)

Yep, the Dominion will use Polaron Phasers, also they will act - mostly - like normal weaponry :) cause we are in a post-dominion-war time polaron weapons are well known and all major stellar forces should have developed or upgraded their shields for it :) Of course there will be several special abilities about the word "Polaron" in v3 ^_^
posted on August 15th, 2005, 10:14 pm
Some special weapons in v3 will be able to penetrate the enemies shieldings and damage the hull or destroy sub systems. all "normal" weapons will first have to get the hostile shields down and then kill the rest of the vessel :)

Yep, the Dominion will use Polaron Phasers, also they will act - mostly - like normal weaponry :) cause we are in a post-dominion-war time polaron weapons are well known and all major stellar forces should have developed or upgraded their shields for it :) Of course there will be several special abilities about the word "Polaron" in v3 ^_^

like what i'm hearing, can't wait for v.3, but take your time, i'd would rather have a flawless (or nearly so) V.3 then a quickly made bugy one with multiple quick patches to follow
posted on August 15th, 2005, 11:28 pm
don't worry, we wont let hurry us ^_^
posted on August 16th, 2005, 12:50 am
In regards to the critical hit to the warpcore ... I never really noticed it in Armada 2, but it seemed like destroyers were always dying prematurely in Armada 1. Instead of just exploding when all their systems turned red, they'd kind of glow white for a second after taking a hit on the hull and then kaboom. Is this what you're talking about?
posted on August 16th, 2005, 1:17 am
Yes I remember that. I noticed that happened to turrents too, and they'd just explode without any harsh damage besides the shields being knocked out.
posted on August 16th, 2005, 1:29 am
with armada1 you could never tell what state the hull was in cos there was only a shiels bar :( but yeah the turrets (not sensors) only need one hit after ther shields go down.

in A2 im talking about big ships (cubes, battleships mainly) they go kaboom sometimes after taking only minor hull & system damage. :hmmm:

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