What Kind Of A2 Player Are You?

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.

Question: How isolationist/defensive/offensive/suicidal are YOU?

Total votes: 93
I leave my base completely unguarded, use suicide missions3 votes (3%)
Turrets? What are turrets?!3 votes (3%)
I like to think of myself as an offensive player....3 votes (3%)
I'm mostly offesive, but I still guard my base.12 votes (13%)
I'm try to be a balanced player.13 votes (14%)
I mostly defend my base, but I attack, too.27 votes (29%)
I'm mostly defensive, no doubt about it.14 votes (15%)
I LOOOOOOVE turrets!10 votes (11%)
I have a fleet of 300 ships guarding my base at all times.8 votes (9%)
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posted on October 27th, 2005, 1:55 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on October 27th, 2005, 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I guess, I'm a very defensive player (usually, at least when playing the AI). I love the feeling of the enemies (usually 3 or 4 hard Borg) coming at me with almost a hundred cubes (yes, it does get that bad sometimes!) and my forces being able to wipe the floor with them without any losses! One game when I was the Romulans, I held out against them for something like 4 hours without a single loss. In fact, during that game, my Sabotage stations (I build 2 of them) had a total of around 225 kills, every one of them was either a cube or a tactical cube.
posted on October 27th, 2005, 10:51 pm
i find that hard to belive that you lost nothing...
posted on October 27th, 2005, 11:49 pm
i find that hard to belive that you lost nothing...

LOL! You'd be suprised how effective a defensive strategy can be when you've practiced for a while. And besides, when you have a couple hundred ships guarding your side of the wormhole, it's gonna be pretty hard for the Borg to get in... ;)
posted on October 28th, 2005, 12:27 am
Oh, you never said it was that map. Thats impossibly easy to defend (unless you're the AI of course :D). Eufnoc thats not that hard to believe, once I had about 12~20ish ships, and I kept taking on waves after continous waves, and killed around 200 or so enemies, without loosing one ship.
posted on October 28th, 2005, 12:34 am
Actually, It's a map I made, not Nirvana2 or Challenger.
posted on October 28th, 2005, 12:57 am
N2 then yeah, i assumed you meant a decent map.
posted on October 28th, 2005, 1:14 am
Mostly defensive. When my small offensive fleet manages to damage the opponent considerably, I move in all my defensive fleets to the offensive..
posted on October 28th, 2005, 3:10 pm
N2 then yeah, i assumed you meant a decent map.

It wasn't n2 :lol:

It was a map I made called Divided. And I have done the exact same thing on a "decent" map, too. I held off two hard Klingons with a blockade at The Sentinals, without losing any ships. On my defence, anyway.
posted on October 28th, 2005, 11:30 pm
Oh wait, is this thread for A2 or FO..

..because if its A2...You just muster the biggest fleet you can make, warp it into the enemy's base.. and stare at beautiful 2001 explosion effects..
posted on October 29th, 2005, 4:40 pm
Technically, were talking about A2 in general (see topic title), but, of course, Fleet Ops is preferred... (see forum title ;) )

Does that answer your question?
posted on October 29th, 2005, 5:05 pm
Last edited by excursion on October 29th, 2005, 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
regardless of who or what im against i always get my turrets up and running for my opositions attacks.

i tend not to do any scouting until i have a ship capable of defending itself.

my research into upgraded shields is again a priority.

overall i am a very defencive and will continue to protect until the opositions attacks are being repeled with ease. then after a big strike against me i attack while the oposition is low on ships.

it doesnt always work because i usually take on 3 hard AI all against me and can be difficult knowing when to attack.

FO tactics obvously.... i only installed A2 to check out the ship varity.
posted on October 29th, 2005, 6:15 pm
lol, same here. I hated A2, until I installed Fleet Ops anyway.

I actually, don't like winning that much. The AI is alot more fun while it's alive. :lol:
posted on October 29th, 2005, 11:11 pm
I try to keep as defensive as possible, usually doing a mass of turrets in two areas, creating a gauntlet at best. Other than that... I also typically build turrets as much as I can when I have the resources to cause trouble to those who by pass my frontier turrets and ships....
posted on October 31st, 2005, 2:53 pm
So, I'm mostly a very defensive one...
but not with hundreds of Turrets and Ships guarding my base...
I just use some turrets, good ships combinations in groups of up to 4 or 5 and let them patrol through my area of Space...

I've been using Scouts as some Kind of prewarning system so I can adjust my defences for nearly every Situation...
posted on October 31st, 2005, 8:53 pm
I place scanners out in space with a ring of turrets around them. make my opponent waste time taking out all those turrets, and does some damage to his fleet too. cloaked ships can be a b****.
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