Which is the Most Powerful Non-Borg AI?

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Question: Which is the most powerful non-borg merciless AI?

Total votes: 26
Dominion17 votes (65%)
Romulan0 votes (0%)
Federation1 votes (4%)
Klingon8 votes (31%)
I don't know, they're all pretty powerful0 votes (0%)
posted on January 24th, 2010, 10:50 pm
I was just curious what people thought.  I'm assuming that the Borg are considered most powerful, but I wanted to know who was considered the top merciless AI for the "normal" races.  And if you think one of these is more powerful than the Borg AI, please post that and why you think so.  Also, don't hesitate to post why you voted the way you did. :thumbsup:
posted on January 24th, 2010, 10:52 pm
Klingons. They swarm more than the others, numbers can be lethal.
posted on January 24th, 2010, 10:55 pm
The Dominion-AI is also bad-ass...
But it's true that klingons seem to spam more.
posted on January 24th, 2010, 11:26 pm
i would say dom, because they dont only spam many ships, they also build a hell lot of defenses in their base
posted on January 24th, 2010, 11:59 pm
8 player map - many moons - "all hail the conquering dominion" - Julian Bashir
At every moon pair the AI builds yards and tons of turrets + starbases fully upgraded ones
Don't believe me load up a game and watch the AI's duke it out.
posted on January 25th, 2010, 4:51 am
I would have to say dominion, in my personal opinion.  I am not an expert gamer, but i try various experiments with team-ups and the like and it can be quite an intersting experience to have feds, klingons, and romulans against dominion (3 vs 3).  they do seem very efficent but they definately love that V-13 a lot.  lol.  Romulans being a close second once they get going on thier resource count, but the klingons don't hesitate to come get your A$$ as soon as they can either.  I don't know, like i said i am no expert, but they seem to give my team a good run for the money provided we win and the dominion don't steal it from us, lol.
posted on January 25th, 2010, 5:49 am
Last edited by Anonymous on January 25th, 2010, 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Welcome to the Forums, CaptMalcolmReynolds!  I'd call you "Mal" for short, but apparently that's been taken. :D :whistling:

And opinions are always welcome.  I was just curious what the consensus was and thought it would be a fun poll.  I know romulans can be dangerous if you let them get too many Serkas.  5 or 6 can be scary to deal with with sometimes! 
posted on January 25th, 2010, 9:38 am
In an 1v1 situation, the Klingons are the most difficult to play against. They will completely dominate with their Kvorts and Bops, that they spam at a trully impressive rate.
posted on January 25th, 2010, 1:47 pm
Well, I voted for Dominion for the reason I encountered yesterday.

I played the map nebula gate with Risners feds, with 5 AI-opponents (I love everyone vs. everyone-matches).

While I controlled the Borg and Klingons on my side of the map, the romulan AI was vanquished first (I didn't even see a scout of them crossing my territory). Then I defeated the klingons and ran into the Borg base on a less-guarded side to take one of their constructors. Everything was fine, and since I took a Mayson-constructor of the federation-AI I was also able to build the Torp-turrets and the good Excelsior-II so I kept my expansions safe with maaaaaany of those turrets. But the Dominion-Fleet on their own side controlled an enemy federation-AI as well as my whole fleet on high officer rank and everytime I destroyed their big expansions in the middle of "their" half of the map they managed to destroy big parts of my fleet, and after a short run for their main base I just managed to get around 8 ships out there back to my base. It was like ping pong. They ran into my torp-turrets everytime they tried to attack my base and were destroyed, I took the less-guarded way to their and it came off with the same result everytime. I could have played for another 4 hours this way.
posted on January 25th, 2010, 2:00 pm
Dominion are the ultimate spammers. Reason being is because by the second expansion they already have a few ketracel synthesizers running.

And another problem, if you pair it with Romulans. Be ready for a ride to hell. Because the Dominion spam the big ships, the Rommies spam a lot of little ones and have them all swarm around a Tavara (or Norexean). And I dunno why, it seems as though it has been mathematically calculated that Rommies attack between Dominion waves! :pinch:

But what makes it worse is add the Feds. Because the Feds are basically "Anti-expansion" type of race. They wipe out your expansions when everyone else is attacking your main! >:(
posted on January 25th, 2010, 2:05 pm
I spammed a lot too, especially Excelsior-II's and Sovereigns. I constructed from 4 Risner- Eraudi-yards and from 2 Mayson-Eraudi-yards after I capped the AI-fed-constructor.

Also the romulans were the first killed-off AI in the game.^^

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