Which Is Your Favourite Avatar?

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.

Question: Which is your favourite avatar?

Total votes: 88
1. Fleet Admiral Mayson.25 votes (28%)
2. Fleet Admiral Risner.20 votes (23%)
3. TaQ'roja.4 votes (5%)
4. General Martok.6 votes (7%)
5. General Mijural.11 votes (13%)
6. General Helev1 votes (1%)
7. Alliance: Breen8 votes (9%)
8. Dominion: pure tech.13 votes (15%)
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posted on June 19th, 2006, 7:27 pm
Since I have spent many an hour playing the new version I would like take this opportunity to, express my gratitude to the Fleet ops team for all the effort they have put into its construction and, ask the above question: which is your favourite avatar?

In my opinion General Mijural is better option as personally I am quite a defensive player and her bonuses concur with my tactics admirably. :cloak: :tank: :cloak:
posted on June 19th, 2006, 9:05 pm
Dominion puretech, just love that sensor station ;)
posted on June 19th, 2006, 9:58 pm
mmhh my favourite avatar?I love all of them :D
posted on June 19th, 2006, 10:03 pm
Admiral Mayson for me :) I love the small Federation ships and he aids me in that sector. I'm also a big fan of special ships like support ships so the Norway goes just my way :)
posted on June 19th, 2006, 10:13 pm
“Dominion pure tech, just love that sensor station”. Hummmm :hmmm: I quite like the Alliance: Breen avatar myself, as I prefer to use cloaked ships like the Breen cruiser to gather intelligence and the Breen movement upgrades come in handy, since there is no warp. :)
posted on June 19th, 2006, 10:19 pm
mijural. i love the power of four tavaras :)
posted on June 19th, 2006, 10:22 pm
Last edited by Elim Garak on June 19th, 2006, 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
^^^^^^^And the strike class ships are an excellent vesicle to use at the beginning of the game, when resources are limited. :)
posted on June 19th, 2006, 10:52 pm
�Dominion pure tech, just love that sensor station�. Hummmm dry.gif I quite like the Alliance: Breen avatar myself, as I prefer to use cloaked ships like the Breen cruiser to gather intelligence and the Breen movement upgrades come in handy, since there is no warp. smile.gif

Breen ships are cool yes, but in multiplayer intelligence is more important IMO and you wont build many of those battleships anyway ^^
posted on June 19th, 2006, 10:59 pm
Risner is my Favorit, some Attack Power for the Federation :D
posted on June 20th, 2006, 12:45 am
Alliance: Breen. I say that because I am a fan of a well ballanced fleet and that is what the Breen ships bring to my fleets. I do agree with Black Baron about the puretech in multiplayer though.
posted on June 20th, 2006, 3:13 am
So far I'm gonna have to go with Optec on this one and say Mayson. The defensive style he implies is much more to my liking than a heavy attack style. I have not as yet sampled any Klingon/Romulan avatars. The Dominion: Pure Tech avatar was fine, but the material based tactics of the dominion (and, to a lesser extent, the Klingons) is completely counter to my prefered style of fighting. Then again, I've not hit my stride yet...been a few years since I've really played (Not since Beta 1 actually) so I'm out of practice. I'll play for a while longer and see if that changes.
posted on June 20th, 2006, 5:01 am
Mayson torpedo turrets up while im waiting for sovies and definets!!!!!!!!!!
posted on June 20th, 2006, 7:14 am
Breen ships are cool yes, but in multiplayer intelligence is more important IMO and you wont build many of those battleships anyway ^^

I agree about what you say about the importance of intelligence, its just that I am a romulan player a hart, so I have a affinity for fast medium strength cloaked ships and since I have yet to play against a living opponent I chose the Breen purely because I found them to be a fun adition to the dominion. :)
posted on June 20th, 2006, 10:25 am
aye, I do love those Breen lol (especially their voices :D)
posted on June 20th, 2006, 8:31 pm
mayson for me, fast building...i need no more
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