Which's Your Os. 98/me/2000/xp/vista ?
Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
posted on June 22nd, 2006, 1:07 pm
I believe Vista flops...
posted on June 22nd, 2006, 8:42 pm
Unfortunately I am stuck on XP home because that is the way my computer was shipped to me. I have been too lazy to switch it over to pro. I do plan on installing Vista when my dad gets it for the company he works for.
posted on June 23rd, 2006, 7:27 am
I believe Vista flops...
i am not so sure it does. it may be bad but there are enough people out there buying it anyway. xp could have flopped too - there were really no inventions, just a new gui and some new applications but still much like 2k. sooner or later everyone is going to have vista on their main pcs
DOCa Cola
posted on June 24th, 2006, 1:24 pm
XP was very good at recovering from errors unlike the previous versions of windows. If vista improves over XP as dramatically as XP improved over the previous version (either Me or 2000, can't remember which one came first) then I would be very interested in it.
posted on June 24th, 2006, 7:24 pm
Last edited by Fullphaser on June 24th, 2006, 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm running it in ME and minus the fact this computer is only sporting a 300something mb or ram and a 700hz processor, and a 64mb video card, its all good
I think it is because the API calls for ME-XP were thought up by the orginal developers, or didn't change that much, haven't played online (as I am willing to bet those are where major API differences occur)
as for vista, it won't flop unfortantly
Microsoft has gone to great lenghts to ensure that it does well.. for example only Vista will support Direct X 10 and as any gamer can tell you... without direct x you are up a creek. Also they at the same time are dropping ME and 98 from the supported OS list.
and considering the way the API calls are done with this WinFS and that it is needs a x86 compatible (much like mac os) machine, the new software will probalby only be bundled with Vista, probably like the full release of IE 7 I would say that Microsoft will ensure the non beta or its upgrades will not be useable on XP, and webdesigners (who try to stay modern or are for the most part gamers who will have either no IE (on a mac) or will have the newest) won't really check to see if it breaks in IE 6 so end users will have to use the newest version of IE 7

as for vista, it won't flop unfortantly

and considering the way the API calls are done with this WinFS and that it is needs a x86 compatible (much like mac os) machine, the new software will probalby only be bundled with Vista, probably like the full release of IE 7 I would say that Microsoft will ensure the non beta or its upgrades will not be useable on XP, and webdesigners (who try to stay modern or are for the most part gamers who will have either no IE (on a mac) or will have the newest) won't really check to see if it breaks in IE 6 so end users will have to use the newest version of IE 7
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