Which Ship For Which Task? (fed Side)

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
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posted on February 17th, 2004, 2:53 am
Well, first off, I never really liked Fleet Operations (don't kick me out~~~! Now l love it!! :D) It was like Armada 2, except its a whole lot laggy and models look weird.. lol As I played more and more, I realized that there is great strategy in this mod, and I would like to share some of mine.
I use each ship for a specific use, and I beleive that it seemed to be really effective. Also, I use this strategy so that I have minimal casualties and losses on my side... :)

Venture: Like I mentioned in some other post, I use it as attack fighters, primarily to draw more fire away from the main attacking ships. It is best if 1/4 of the entire fleet is Ventures. I think Venture is not suitable for scouting since it is too weak even though it has a wide sensor range

Saber: I use it as Light assault ships because if its small size, high maneuvreability, and minimal firepower. I use it as taking out pesky Bird of Preys and sometimes bigger Rheinn classes, but can handle much more larger ships in more numbers, (Galaxy, Warbird etc)

Monsoon: Well, I think it is my main attack ship that destroys large ships. You might wonder why I use it for destroying large ships, but I destroyed a Negh'Var with only 2 Monsoons.

Intrepid: With Photon torpedoes and Tricobalt Torps as a special weapon, I use it to take on all stations, ranging from sensor satilites to Starbases

Akira: I use this ship to take out its own size ships, (Rheinn, Sphere, K'Tinga, etc)

Caneveral: I use this as scout ships , beleive it or not. Like I said, Ventures are way too weak for scouting, what if you meet 2 Warbirds? Venture doesn't stand a chance, but the Caneveral can fight back, and survive until it reaches the base.

Galaxy: Another ship to attack stations, but I also use it to take out large ships of its size.

Nebula: Because of its pulse Phaser, I use it to take out small ships, like Saber, BoP, K'Vort etc.

Streamrunner: I don't really use this ship, but If I am forced to, I would put it on a base, so it will attack incoming targets in long range when my defense platforms are out of range

Descent: I also don't use this one very often, because it costs 3 credits. To me its not a recommended ship.

Remoore: Well, I research the special weapon for this ship, and I send them with Galaxies and Nebulas.

Excelsior II: For this, I usually use it for defense. Seriously, it is a great defense ship, with 4 quantum torpeodes firing at a time rapidly, it is really good at defending the base. I would recommend that you put at least 4 on your base. You could also send it with a main fleet, but I don't usually do that unless I go for a last and final assault

Defiant: I don't use that much either, because of its high costs and painfully long recharging speed!!!!!!!!!!

Sovereign: Also, because of its quantum torpedoes, I use it for defense, and when going for a final assault, I dispatch all Sovereign s I have~~

Well, I hope I helped... :sweatdrop:
posted on February 17th, 2004, 4:09 am
kool ill check it out but im hearin ya on the lag.
posted on February 17th, 2004, 11:22 am
Last edited by Detektor on February 17th, 2004, 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
nice discription of the Fed-Fleet :)

i have also some personal notes to the ships


i use venture for scouting in the early game, later i also switch to Canevera


oh, i love this ship. it is cheap ,fast and has longrange phasers. I often use it combinded with the Excelsior II as fire support for my fleet


in 80 % of all games i skip this ship. But when you play against an Klingon, Noxter, Romulan it offers a great firepower to kill the the little ships ot your enemy


a great ship, it's the first Fedship that have Torpedos, so you can use it against buildings or great ships, but also i often have no use for that ship, because it have less hitpoints compared to the akira or galaxy


Ok, thats one ot best cruisers in the game ( for me ;-) ) . Combind with the galaxy you have a great assault fleet. The best is the Akiras point defence system, so torpedos have no chance to damage your fleet.


Good scout ship ( probe), if you have to much tritanium , you can use it as replacement for the saber as longrange support


A vital ship for me,it has only crew- and creditcosts, so i use it to skip the time until i can build Sovereign, because it plays same role as the Sovereign


i only use it, if i know that my opponent will use small ships


Good option for firesupport, i often combine it with the Excelsior II


You need something bigger than as sov? Here is it, later in the game i disassamble my galaxies and use Descents instead


Yep, with ecm it is a good support ship. Klingon, Borgs and Romulans will hate this Ship

Excelsior II:

Need for Longrange torpeos and a medium ship killer? Here is it, a very vital ship for me. I use it to backup my sovereigns and galaxies. so my enemy get overwhelmed by torpedos and he can say goodbye to his big ships and stations.


Small Ship Killer, it takes a BoP with one shoot out


That the King ot the Federation. Whit it's first shoot it makes 64 Damge (4 Quantentorpedoburst) , only with torpedos. a other great thing it her Distortion Field.
It disables the engines of all enemy ships in range, so that every torpedo , that is fired hit his target


!!! use this ship !!! , you can reapair the complet hull of every ship , that is a great advantage in combat

so that my personal notes to the federations ships, i hope you enjoyed it to read
posted on February 17th, 2004, 3:24 pm
I'll join in as a fed player as well ^_^

Venture : I use it to scout out moons in the beginning of the game. Don't build anymore than the one i start with unless at the very end of the game there is a cloaked ship hiding. I agree with NCC1701Z that the venture isn't very good for scouting being too weak and blown up easyly.

Saber : I use the Saber class now to scout for enemy bases and other good places to expand my base. I usually pair it up with 2 other Sabers for protection and they get around pretty well.

Monsoon : This ship isn't very useful to me. But if I were to use the Monsoon class, I could interchange it with the Saber class for scouting.

Interpid : A good foundation ship to begin building a fleet with. With both photon and tricobalt it makes a good ship for taking out ships it's size and annoying stations like the defence platforms.

Akira : A great ship. Once I can build this ship I don't build anything else in the Antares drydock. This is one of the ships that are in all of my later fleets.

Canaeral : I never build this ship. It's pretty good for scouting with it's probe but besides that it's pointless.

Galaxy : A pretty good ship. For only 2 credits and some crew you get a good ship. But for me most of my Galaxys seem to be destoried easyly. So I usually don't make more than 2.

Nebula : The counter part to the Galaxy. I usually build a few of these because it only requires crew and credits. For me these don't get destoried as offen as a Galaxy would.

Streamrunner : A pretty good ship. But it seems like a waste of credits when you could build a Interpid instead. Which has better weapons and the same special.

Descent : I never get to build more than one of these at a time. Seems like to much of a bulky ship for me.

Remoore : I build these if i'm pressed for trilithium or dilithium. A good ship with a pretty good special weapon. A support ship if one of my fleets is a bit weak.

Excelsior II : Probably one of the best ships in the game. With both Quantum torpedos and phasers this ship is a must have for any fleet for me.

Defaint : I don't build to many of these. By this time the AI doesn't build to many ships that could be destoried by a lone Defaint. So i usually only build these for it's special which does a lot of damage.

Soveregin : A good ship. With it's quantum torpedos and phasers it is the third (along with the Akira and Excelsior II) must have in my fleet. Plus with a weapon that can detect cloaked ships, which is helpful for clearing any area of cloaked ships.

Newton : I always build these. They are very helpful in any fleet. I usually have one in each fleet.
posted on February 17th, 2004, 3:36 pm
hehe, very interesting to see what playes make of the possibilities delivered by the balancing system :) you will have to adjust this lists after the release of beta3, there will be many changes to the stats of vessels :)

my favourit federation vessels are for beta2:
excelsiorII (superior allround vessel)
defiant (do you need some fire power? yay, here i am!)
steamrunner (to crush the large vessels where the defiant is to weak cause of its pulse-type weapons)
posted on February 17th, 2004, 10:47 pm
But Venture is a very effective ship. It got the most highest effect shp against enemy list. (Raio 3.6 average) in the tally section in Admiral's Log. I use the Ventures, and my main fleet never dies, costs less, and so much effective so I don't even need Newton class! :)
posted on February 17th, 2004, 10:58 pm
I took out a medium romulan in no time with a fleet consisting of these ships:

Canaveral Class: Shoots probes into the enemy base and can fire long range into the base while the fleet enters it, to do damage before the rest of the ships can take over.

Akira Class: Shoots powerfull phaser beams that I mainly use to atack ships and has Point Defence.

Excelsior-II Class: Takes care of everything else using its quantum torpedos to atack stations ships and defence.
posted on February 17th, 2004, 11:58 pm
Ventures are my cannon fodder-so many of them the enemy shoot once and usually gets pummled shortly after.
posted on February 18th, 2004, 1:53 am
LoL, when i need a masive SaD i make more ventures than you could ever imagine and i pwn the map with them weather you be cloaked or just some where on the map you will be found.
posted on February 18th, 2004, 2:42 am
Ventures in sheer numbers are... shudder.... strong.. I doubt a sovereign will survive 10 ventures.. can it...?
posted on February 18th, 2004, 4:02 am
For me the Excelsior II is always the most effective vessel. If my starting venture makes it to the end game then my least effective ship is the Galaxy oddly enough. I have to try venture classes next time. See how good they are in numbers.
posted on May 3rd, 2004, 9:18 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on May 3rd, 2004, 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
hmm I ussualy use only akira, intrepid(for defence), descent,sovereign(for offence), you must know, that by the time i attack i have at least 4 groups of sovs, so that covers for any leaks in my strategy, and i must notice, that i ALWAYS try to have the lowest casualties, so venturas are not for me
posted on May 4th, 2004, 2:54 am
Saving and reducing the number of casualties is also esssential. But if I am quite sure that I am gonna take down my enemy in one hit, I build Ventures and I build them a LOT. But I am taking a serious gamble there.. :D
posted on May 4th, 2004, 3:37 am
What I do is make many ships until my enemy dies, simple but it works every time ;)
posted on August 25th, 2004, 5:02 am
I don't quite understand the fetish with ventures in massed groups, they only deliver 1/3 damage unit per second for 70 dilithium, which means they cost 210 dilithium per damage unit per second. Buy Intrepid (105/28), Saber (115/35), or Monsoon (102/47) instead with your money (in that order). Against small ships saber or monsoon, you know the drill.
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