Who's replay would you like to see?

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Question: Who's game would you like to see recorded?

Total votes: 26
DOCa Cola8 votes (31%)
Optec11 votes (42%)
Overlord/Zeich1 votes (4%)
Detektor0 votes (0%)
Remoter1 votes (4%)
Dominus_Noctis5 votes (19%)
Jan0 votes (0%)
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posted on November 2nd, 2009, 8:49 pm
Back in the good 'ol days when vessels were cheap and everyone played feds so that they could spam Norways and obliterate entire FLEETS with just a handful of vessels.  Can you believe we actually lost players when their poor norways couldn't save the day anymore? :blush:

Of course if they hadn't been changed, we never would have realized how potent canaverals were. ^-^
posted on November 2nd, 2009, 9:01 pm
I'd actually really like to see a game between Mal and Mort.

 In my experience playing them they are both relentless opponents and extremely clever.  Mort is just an all around excellent micro-manager and has this seemingly unnerving ability to survive despite what happens to him.  Mal is aggressive and reacts quickly to changes in his opponent's build order and tactics.

  I love playing either one of them and I'd love to see what they do to each other :)
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