why do ppl hate the borg

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.

Question: whats your reason for hating the borg

Total votes: 30
To powerfull3 votes (10%)
Not enough counters against them0 votes (0%)
They boring to play4 votes (13%)
Just dont like them, i like another faction more7 votes (23%)
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posted on February 12th, 2010, 4:29 am
hi guys

is seems like alot of ppl seem to hate borg in the game and i know why... i think the borg are awesome!

so i created this poll to see what the reasons ppl have for hating the borg...

if the reason isnt listed or u wana add something more, then comment.
posted on February 12th, 2010, 4:46 am
I dont hate the borg, i hate playing against them because i usally play klingons but i dont hate them...
posted on February 12th, 2010, 4:51 am
Where's the "I like all factions equally" option? :whistling:

Well, I do have a soft spot for the dominion.... ^-^
posted on February 12th, 2010, 4:55 am
I can't say that I really "hate" the Borg, I have nothing against them really as a faction - I liked playing them in stock Armada 2, especially once you got the Fusion Cubes ( >:D :badgrin: :P) (morally, of course, is a different issue  :rolleyes:  :sweatdrop:) except that they are just a little over powered. Let's face it, once a Borg player gets shperes (and pyramids) and especially when then get that "super torpedo"-thingy the name of which escapes me, they're pretty much unstoppable unless you, the unfortunate opponent, have a ton of "late-game" ships, and even then, it's a long shot. Also I just prefer playing as the Federation.
posted on February 12th, 2010, 4:58 am
Mal wrote:Where's the "I like all factions equally" option? :whistling:

For that matter where is the option that says "I equally despise all factions, gimme the fernigi... War is Good for Business"
posted on February 12th, 2010, 5:05 am
Dircome wrote:For that matter where is the option that says "I equally despise all factions, gimme the fernigi... War is Good for Business"

Oh dear  :lol:, how would the Ferengi work as a playible faction. Special weapons would include "Swindling", "Perfect Lie", and "Bribes".
posted on February 12th, 2010, 5:08 am
I would decom my entire base and run around "sneakily" with a single Marauder until I got to say to everyone:



posted on February 12th, 2010, 5:13 am

Your tech tree would be based on how much dilithium you had in the bank.  1000 dilithium, you can "bribe" (you don't build) a vessel to join you.  You could call their tech tree "profit margins", where if you have a certain amount of money, you have access to cruisers and battleships. :rolleyes:

The two avatars could be "Tax Collector" and "Arms Dealer".  Tax collectors find ways of cutting costs, even if it means the subsystems are weak!  They'd have a lot of single stage energy collider passives on their ships.  Arms Dealers would give you access to something similar to generix upgrades where you could add powerful weapons to your ships. 

I think we have the makings of a fully playable race for Fleet Operations! B)
posted on February 12th, 2010, 5:31 am
lol it amazes me how a topic changes to another topic. lol  :D its an example of evolution at work  :lol:
posted on February 12th, 2010, 5:46 am
Well, who hates the borg?  Optimize seems fairly balanced, Assimilate is kind of screwed because assimilators are so slow.  They're useless on anything but a small map.  I guess I'm trying to figure out why you feel so many hate the borg. :blush:
posted on February 12th, 2010, 5:54 am
coz i always read on forums from some of the federation fan boys(from other ppl too but mainly fed fanboys), that borg is to powerful, not enough counters, that there shouldnt be a command cube etc etc etc.

so i got this general impression that most ppl hate the borg
posted on February 12th, 2010, 6:15 am
Hmm... I haven't heard that there shouldn't be a command cube.  I dunno.  The AI spams high level ships like nobody's business.  So saying we need more counters against something that cheats already wouldn't be very helpful.  But online play is fairly balanced, and everyone has tons of counters. 

As one video game reviewer says:  "Fans are clingy, complaining [censored]s who will never ever be grateful for any concession you make." :schmoll: :schmoll: :schmoll: 
posted on February 12th, 2010, 6:20 am
I don't think there aren't enough counters. Every race has torpedo-armed ships against them, and fed-players who think they don't have good anti-Borg-weapons should spam Excel-II's alongside some Sov's and lvl.4-Defiants. Or swarms of Intrepids.^^

The klingons are better yet, they have the Sang (swarming them is deadly for all Borg) and with Martok's Lus'Pet they are true Borg-slayers.

I barely play Borg because their in my view most interesting feature -assimilation- is still in development by now. I will wait for future releases before I get more Borg-addicted  :borg:
posted on February 12th, 2010, 6:42 am

  Now that the Borg have much more stake in Adaptors, Scubes, and Probes the other races no longer have to COMPLETELY ignore their pulse and phaser armed ships.  Now they can have a good mixture of torpedo ships and light destroyers without simply being overwhelmed with Assimilators and Spheres like we used to be.

  Klingons can use KbeajQ, B'rels, and Kvort's for the Scubes and Probes and move up to Su'sa and Sang when the heavier Borg ships appear.  Vorcha are also excellent for soaking up damage and disabling.

  Feds can use Monsoons, Intrepids, and Warp-ins for the early Borg and Akiras, Excels, and heavy Battleships late.

  Rommies ... well Rommies are best off using Leahvals early to insta-kill scubes and Probes with Meta, then moving to Supports, Spectre's, and battleships late game.  Torpedo Rhienn's if you really feel like it :).

  Dommies can use a mixture of Bugs and S-2's early on, with Breen Cruisers if you've got em.  Late game I'd say V-13 and Bombers with S-2's to pump up your firepower.
posted on February 14th, 2010, 12:15 am
I don't dislike the Borg (ingame or otherwise), just what they stand for (hate the sin, not the sinner).

Plus, they aren't the Federation. That's 1 point off.
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