Why Does It Cost ...

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posted on October 28th, 2003, 5:26 pm
2 things i noticed:
1. why does it cost credits if you assimulate the galaxy ect???
2. why does the tac cube cost less than the cube???
posted on October 28th, 2003, 6:07 pm
The Tac Cube has no special weapons, the normal one has.
There is the fusion of standard cube and the diamond.

=> standard cube is more versatile

Galaxy class...

Why does a Galaxy class cost credits, if you "warp" it in? Because it is powerful and you shouldn't have too many of them. If you assimilate it, where is the difference to warping it in? Is it less powerful? So if you assimilate 3 from one enemy and three of another and you wouldn't pay credits...

That's what I thought at least, but perhaps the intention was another.
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posted on October 28th, 2003, 6:20 pm
but u can assimulate as many of them as u can earler i had 15/10 credits
posted on October 28th, 2003, 6:21 pm
nope, that's true.
you can dissasemble assimilated ships which costs credits, so you get the credits back.
(note: you can have more then 10 credits by assimilating. a nasty borg player can assimilate 4 descent class vessels and a tavara. we won't be able to spend any more credits in a "normal" way (like constructing a transwarp hub) but he can have more vessels, then the credit count allows

when talking about prices you should also look at the tritanium value. tritanium is a resource as dilithium and there are some vessels which do cost more tritanium then dilithium.
the cube costs 1150 dilithium and 650 tritanium = 1800
the tactical cube costs 1000 dilithium and 1000 tritanium = 2000
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posted on October 28th, 2003, 6:28 pm
humm thanks i forgot about that so if u disembled a assimulated credit ship u would get the credits back and build what u like then assimulate them again.

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