Why? Minimap Hidden...

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posted on January 21st, 2011, 12:26 am
Just a quick curious question...  Why is that even an option???  -Hide Minimap- option when starting a new game.

btw, was the stalling ships listed in bugs.. Were you press R to repair, and they just act like you did nothing.  Sorry to lazy to read the 7 pages of bugs and rants :)

posted on January 21st, 2011, 1:11 am
Game preference.  Some people like to hide the map, some people don't.  But the majority of games have the minimap visible.

Sometimes if you try to repair a ship that's under attack, especially cloaking ones, they'll cancel the repair and keep fighting.  Even if it's a fatal mistake.  When cloaking to repair, I usually find it easier to hit the repair button, then cloak the vessel.  Sometimes a ship may stop repairing because of wrong movement autonomy.  Setting your movement autonomy to low will (most likely) allow your ship to repair.  Sometimes, the ships cancel the repair mid-way through because of a battle that's going on.
posted on January 21st, 2011, 8:06 pm
If you order cloak after repair, sometimes the ship will stop moving. Best bet is to cloak first, then Shift + R for priority repair.
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 2:08 am
Ok ty, yea some ships were cloaked but the one in general I was having issues with was not cloaked.  It was hard pressed to even take general moment orders either.  I demoted the capt...

I'll try playing with the cloak tho for sure.

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posted on January 27th, 2011, 6:24 am
One thing to watch out for if you use Shift + R (priority repair) instead of regular repair: the ship will not respond to any orders at all until it reaches the shipyard and repairs. You have to press Shift R again to untick the Priority Repair for it to follow any other order.

As for the minimap hidden thing: I can imagine the option being useful if someone makes some kind of treasure hunt map, or just wants to keep the map layout secret until players explore the map in-game.
posted on January 27th, 2011, 12:48 pm
keeping the minimap hidden also has another advantage.

If a player doesnt have the map, they can download it ingame. Sometimes if the minimap is already revealed, it wont become visible until u restart fo. If however u download, then they reveal the map, it can work.

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