Your Ship Scale Preferences

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posted on February 18th, 2014, 2:22 am
I wanted to ask people's opinion regarding ship scaling. I'm finalizing sizes in my mod and for an example the Defiant is about the size of the weapon pod on an Akira however, in game that does make the Defiant a bit small and hard to see never mind the size of a tiny scout ship.

Do people more often prefer more or less accurate scaling or to go easier on the eyes a somewhat larger size even though it may not look realistic? Or perhaps a compromise of both? Thanks in advance.
posted on February 18th, 2014, 5:43 pm
I myself like realistic scaling but i do think it'd be a nightmare to try to select small ships like the defiant along with scouts and so on.
posted on February 19th, 2014, 8:51 am
I would suggest make ships scale "relatively" correct, e.g. Galaxy > (larger than) Akira > Intrepid > Defiant. But they don't need to be exactly the size referenced by tech spec.

For example:
"Realistic" scale:
"Relative" scale:
(This is still not very correct, but I think you got the idea.)
posted on February 19th, 2014, 3:31 pm
I tend to scale my ships in MS3D to tech specs...and then use ScaleSOD = 0.60. So in game it maintains the ratio.. i.e. D'Deridex is nearly double the length of the Galaxy Class... It looks pretty cool. I first scaled the Galaxy Class starship to a planet... and then scaled everything else accordingly. Some exceptions are some spacestations... like Starbase 375 and Spacedock 1... DS9 can actually be scaled to the Galaxy Correctly cause it only has a 1500 meter radius...and the Enterprise-D/Odyssey was pretty big compared to it.
posted on February 19th, 2014, 5:20 pm
Thanks for the replies. The ships/stations are pretty much to scale as they were released I believe and I used the scaleSOD command to adjust from there. After rechecking everything I think I really only need to make the destroyers and scouts bigger. I like the sizes of the battleships/cruisers as they are so will probably make the destroyers somewhere between 1/3 -1/2 the size of the cruisers.

I like to see some of the details on the ships, but don't like to have to zoom in over half way just to do it. Thanks again
posted on February 19th, 2014, 7:07 pm
One thing to note is that scale can be rather inconsistent on the show. The Defiant is particularly notorious for this. It ranges in size from barely larger than a runabout to nearly the size of an Intrepid depending on the shot. Combined with the difficulty of seeing and selecting tiny things, I agree with yochenhsieh about using a relative scale.
posted on February 19th, 2014, 9:36 pm
That is true Cabal. Guess we all size them to what feels/looks right in the end. And in regards to making the D'deridex twice the size of the Galaxy, I do like the look of that as well however, in the interest of maneuverability and build space for shipyards I tend to keep the sizes between races reasonably similar.
posted on February 20th, 2014, 2:08 am
One way you could approach the scaling would be to take two ships as references (eg Defiant and Galaxy), and size them so their scaling is appropriate to each other and usable for gameplay, then use them as references with which you can work out the scaling for other vessels. You can interpolate based on either a linear factor or a fancier curve, whichever is easiest.

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