posted on February 1st, 2012, 6:24 pm
JeanLucPicard wrote:Thanks Myles I never use that purchase because it cost 100 supplies and I don't build Incubation Center right away. Never noticed the name

it seems expensive, but most rushes do drain initial resources quite heavily. it's all about making that rush count by hurting your enemy. compare borg rushes with ktinga rush, that also drains resources fast, but it feels more like rushes from other games, loads of little units swarming, hence the kt rush is more accepted. currently borg don't even have to rush, if they build naturally, they can get quite a solid force with some scubes out early.
borg can only get supply via incubators, but in a team game allies can give you supply that they can buy, so team games have more flexible strats. but 1 player rushing in a team game is less effective, so there's a balance to be struck.