Assualt map?

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posted on January 11th, 2010, 2:26 pm
Im trying to re-create the battle of wolf 359 but iv been told the only way i could do this is by creating it as an assault map, so my question is.... how do i create an assault map?

I tried doing it the regular way but my ships were replaced by starbases.
posted on January 26th, 2010, 10:05 pm
You don't need to make it an assault. All you need to do is have a borg cube and a federation fleet. It just wont be that balanced because if I am not mistaken; accuracy dictates that 40 federation star-ships be at the location. Which is more than a match for a FO cube. Even if they are mostly a mix of 'earlier' starships like miranda's, excelsiors, Nebula's and at least one Ambassador Class too I think. Unfortunately if you want to make it really accurate you would need models for the freedom class, the Cheyenne and the New Orleans class... although that will be implemented in a later patch thanks to Optec  :sweatdrop:
posted on January 26th, 2010, 10:13 pm
The reason I suggested Assault Map is because that way you can force each player to play the faction they've been assigned - plus adding all the nice odf changes just for that map, like a super big cube, different stats for vessels...  :whistling:
posted on January 26th, 2010, 10:22 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:The reason I suggested Assault Map is because that way you can force each player to play the faction they've been assigned - plus adding all the nice odf changes just for that map, like a super big cube, different stats for vessels...  :whistling:

Ah... Indeed I did not take the faction selection into consideration  :sweatdrop: As usual Dom is correct. But aside from a heavily stat boosted cube I think this is largely easily do-able.

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