Directional Light Bug

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posted on October 2nd, 2012, 5:30 pm
Okay so I was going to start making a map just because I was bored and no one was online. Come to find out that I cannot seem to change the light color. Everytime I go into it... the color is defaulted to white. When I change it and press "OK" the color change does not apply itself. I wanted the overall lighting to be a dark blue with maybe some red but I cannot seem to even get the directional light to work.
posted on October 2nd, 2012, 6:22 pm
Yes, we are aware of this issue and it has been fixed for next patch :)
posted on October 3rd, 2012, 4:44 am
I've got a directional light request... sorta. It'd be nice to have a spherical directional light object that could be placed inside suns to give off proper light as if it was from the star. I don't know if its possible with the engine.
posted on October 3rd, 2012, 7:56 pm
Njm1983 wrote:I've got a directional light request... sorta. It'd be nice to have a spherical directional light object that could be placed inside suns to give off proper light as if it was from the star. I don't know if its possible with the engine.

Well, it would be complicated. But it is possible. When you have a torpedo weapon or map object. You can set them as a light source. You can set the range, intensity, and color of the light. They can set it that there can be an object where these properties are customizable.
posted on October 3rd, 2012, 8:25 pm
Njm1983 wrote:I've got a directional light request... sorta. It'd be nice to have a spherical directional light object that could be placed inside suns to give off proper light as if it was from the star. I don't know if its possible with the engine.

I'm pretty sure this can be done with an invisible object using the "scrap" class label. Dilithium and Tritanium moons in FO both give off blue and yellow lighting within a defined radius.
posted on October 3rd, 2012, 9:00 pm
Hmm, might try that for KA2s next release :) I always love ambient light in the S3D engine. It does it quite nicely, which along with lightmaps makes me wonder why stock A2 virtually left it untouched...
posted on October 3rd, 2012, 9:30 pm
Im hoping a feature like this is planned - itll make for realistic lighting. Ive always liked the idea of a star illuminating the map; casting proper shadows that move as vessels move around the light source. It always annoyed me that the current light illuminates in the direction its pointed rather than the location the light source object is placed.

Theres nothing wrong with the current system but variety is always better - besides that lighting is what makes space look so cool.
posted on October 4th, 2012, 1:49 am
We've done something like this with an invisible uball object which fires an invisible photon torpedo. The torpedo gives off non-directinal light.

Here's the idea in action: in this case, the blue light is given off by an invisible object inside of the blue nebulas. The blue sun just happened to be behind the nebula
posted on December 19th, 2015, 3:30 pm
Did this issue ever get resolved? I'm running FO 3.27 and still can't change directional light color in the map editor. The palette pops up for me but disappears as soon as I move the cursor towards it.
posted on December 19th, 2015, 7:18 pm
It must be a bug in FleetOps itself rather than any hardcoded engine change that the team have made, as the lights work just fine when running my KA2 mod, or the 2014 STA2 Classic Upgrade mod etc.
posted on December 20th, 2015, 1:41 am
The lights do work ok, I just have to enter the HEX color code in manually instead of using the color chart. I may tinker around a bit to see if I can figure out what the deal is. If I do figure it out I'll post back. It's not too big of a deal anyway. Besides, after all this, I decided to go back to a white light on my map... :hmmm: In the meantime, if someone else does have this problem, I'll post a couple of links below to the workarounds I've been using. Thanks for the reply...

1. A web based color picking utility that displays HEX color codes:

2. A printable color chart with HEX color codes: ... -chart.png
posted on April 3rd, 2018, 9:22 am

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