Fixed Locations

Do you have a question on map editing, how use the map manager or want to make your new map public? Post here.
posted on October 20th, 2006, 12:59 am
greetings and salutations

first compliments on the mod, curious designs and very professional graphics, thank you for your efforts...

ok on to the complaint/confusion
I was trying to make a map using the editor(nice interface, much simpler than it was originally)
and I made a simple map for 3... only problem I am having with it was that when you go to instant action if you set it so that you can choose your start location you still can not choose, the host is always in the first location and soforth... did I miss something? I do not recall this being a problem before so figured it was a change yawl might have made...
ooh as an aside I never figured out how to make the little map...but I do not recall this being a problem before
ooh on a side note did yawl change any of the editor commands? it seems a half dozen or so stopped working...could just be me though...

posted on October 23rd, 2006, 6:09 pm
FO2/3 map editor has been considerably changed :)
Unfortunatelly, a few things don't work anymore (ex:pathing).

If you upload or send me your map, i'll be happy to take a look...
posted on October 28th, 2006, 5:20 am
(firast my apologies in the delayed response time, sudden lack of internet on my part)

well when I get my computer back online I will drop you a line

thank you again for your time
posted on May 6th, 2008, 1:14 pm
O keeey first: Awesome Mod, The Federation will be prowd of you!

But is had the samer Problem with the fixed map positions, i opened a existing map, modified it a little (Just 2 Wormholes and some more Fogs etc) and saved it with a new name.

Now i got the problem that the player locations cant be changed anymore and there is no Minimap, well the minimap is no problem as its just for private use.

But the not changeable start locations are really bad :-/

As it seems it is loooooong ago that someone posted this, but i just found my old armnada, installed the mod an am sooooooo hot on the game. I really really hope yopu can help me, as the Editor in other points just rocks! (I installed all the 3 Filex you got in your download section on version 3.0.)

My best greetings!

posted on February 14th, 2010, 7:24 am
So I'm having the same problem, and this is the thread my search turned do I enable the ability for fixed locations?
posted on February 14th, 2010, 7:54 am
Here's a link to the Hitchhiker's guide to Fleet Ops' map making section.  It has a section on making starting locations.
posted on February 14th, 2010, 8:10 am
Wow, a 4 year old post  :lol:

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