Cloak detection with custom range
I want my 15 rapid-fire quantum torpedo launchers Uber-Defiant now! - Get help from modders. Share your work. Discuss modifications.
posted on March 20th, 2023, 8:50 pm
Is it possible to get a custom range (so not the same as the shop'ssensor range) for cloak detection? I've tried getting this by having a ship spawn an invisible "sensor drone" of the "fighter" classlabel, using a replacement weapon. This wirks but has some issues: when going through a wormhole the drine has to fly around the map to catch up, the drone moves around so rhe range isn't always centered on the mothership, and they clog up the admiral's log. Is there another way? Would dropping a uball every tenth of a second be a viable alternative, or does that take up too many of the game's resources? Are there other ways?
posted on March 21st, 2023, 2:33 am
What if you did the same thing but had the invisible drone self destruct or something every 10 seconds or so? And then your ship just pops out a new one.
You should also definitely be able to keep it from showing up in the adms log... can't remember off the top of my head how though
You should also definitely be able to keep it from showing up in the adms log... can't remember off the top of my head how though
posted on March 21st, 2023, 6:11 am
I already have them self destruct and get replaced periodically. The replacementRegisterAsNew handle in the replacement weapon makes the drones not show up in the admiral's log, but this seems to be bugged with fighter classlabel objects: the game sometimes crashes when motherships get destroyed.
posted on March 21st, 2023, 10:32 pm
Okay, I found that setting the classlabel of the sensordrones to "pod" makes them not appear in the admiral's log anymore. For normal fighters you can't do this because they don't attack enemies when they have the "pod" classlabel, but for sensordrones it's fine.
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