MOD: STA2 Upgrade Project 2014 - A stock A2 mod in FO

I want my 15 rapid-fire quantum torpedo launchers Uber-Defiant now! - Get help from modders. Share your work. Discuss modifications.
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posted on December 30th, 2014, 9:19 pm
I just had to join to let you know how amazing this mod is and it's a really shame your stopping with what you've done already.

But I can't express how amazing it is. I just had a quick question you have in the race.odf file a ferengi mention and there seem to be ships and tech trees (from what i've quickly gleamed) yet the race doesn't seem to appear as a selectable race. Does anyone else have this problem? Also if so it's been so long since I've plan armada let alone modded it but I don't no why the race isn't appearing.

Also I was going to add dominion/breen to my version but there all look so dated compared to the quality of this pack. Does anyone have any suggestions on which of the packs looks best on armada 2 files?
posted on December 31st, 2014, 2:28 am
The ferengi are an NPC race that tow away derelict ships from time to time, any other races will be for map objects and little things like that
posted on December 31st, 2014, 5:40 am
@1_Beta_1: Thanks and glad you like it. I only really stopped as there isn't much else to do. I accomplished what I initially set out to aside from just adding more stuff in which went a little beyond what I wanted. I did put in a few extra ships for most races including a couple Dominion and also the Breen cruiser seen in DS9.

As for more Breen and Dominion stuff, beyond what appears in the stock Fleet Ops mod and some Dominion ships over at MSFC I don't think there really has been any updates to those races in many years. You could grab the Future Wars mod over at A2 Files. It had a lot of Dominion stuff in it. You'd have to pull out what you need and add to this mod and it's a bit tricky with they way they did the sprites and stuff. Might be an option if you were interested.

DefiantNX74205 has explained the Ferengi situation for you as well. Thank you sir.
posted on December 31st, 2014, 10:39 am
Thanks Defiant I don't know why I though it was a selectable race....might be because there was a race add on back in the day. Shows when i last modded armada.

@RifRaf Yea you right it is one hell of a mod, i keep getting a white box around the Romulan ship i think it is when it uses one of it special weapons. Doesn't overly bother me but do you have any idea about it and was there ever a fix?

Also because I dont want to make a new topic for it, I had a question about doing a module shipyard like in fleetops (like the Klingons do). I tried it a few years ago, and I even got the AI to build it. I know you set the primary station as research and shipyards as shipyards it can build. However I found (not sure if this is any longer the case but I'd like to check first) when you destroy or decommission the primary station the other 2/3 or even 4 shipyards don't disappear with it they remain. If you set them as pod with the class label they do, however then they can't build ship and you can't have multiple class labels?

But how to fleet ops do it when you destroy the Klingon center station the rest go with it? Am i missing something? What needs to be added to the odf to do this?
posted on December 31st, 2014, 7:50 pm
Well, thanks again.Though the real congratulations goes to all the modders out there who made FO, the models, textures and miscellaneous mods that I used. All I did was put it all together to work as one. I couldn't model or texture to save my life. :lol:

In regards to the white box you're getting when the ship fires its special weapon the Romulan Warbird's shield inversion beam weapon and the Romulan Shadow's energy shield converter weapon display an opaque box at the point of fire instead of their normal graphics due to FO utilizing those specific SOD files for their shield effects. There is no known fix at this time.

As for the Klingon shipyard I'm not sure? I'm still learning how FO works and such. All I can think of is to copy the station from FO into your mod and duplicate how they did it? Someone more knowledgeable may be able to help you on this one.
posted on December 31st, 2014, 7:56 pm
Thanks for your response got it to work file there's something different in fleetop so when you build a module station.

So a root station and then two yards either side of it wouldn't work for one reason or another, something about ops makes it work perfectly. Now I just got the AI to used it....that I can't do...

And still you put it all together and most importantly it works in windows 7 something that I could never work out.
posted on January 13th, 2015, 6:01 am
your mod would be the only one.

nexus 9 hülle
Tsar Ivaylo
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posted on January 21st, 2015, 1:07 pm
Last edited by Tsar Ivaylo on January 22nd, 2015, 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
From what i can see this is amazing mod!... :woot: :thumbsup: :wub:
Aldo i saw very little of it because everytime i try to play with the Borg for example (instant action against random a.i.) the game freezes and then crashes onto the desktop!... :( I em not checked other species so far... :-\

Update - Well i played with the Romulans this time for about half an hour again instant action against random a.i. which turned out to be Borg a.i.... I played against the Borg a.i for about half an hour then the game freezed and crashed again!?...

Update - I played with the Klingons instant action game against random a.i. which turned out to be Romulans this time. Then the Romulans start using their special weapons (shield inversion beam and staff) and then in the place where the beam is start appearing white boxes, seconds later the game freezes and then crashes onto the desktop!...
posted on January 21st, 2015, 7:49 pm
Thanks for the info Tsar Ivaylo. I'm not sure about the crashing as no one else has reported the specific issues you are having with the Borg. When I get home from work I'll take a look into them as this doesn't happen on my end.

As for the Warbird shield inversion special weapon and the Shadow energy shield converter special weapon I did mention a couple pages back that due to the FO shields utilizing the SOD files that those weapons use this is the result and there is no known fix at this time. I never experienced a crash though when they use these special weapons. Hmm...

I have a PM into Blade to see if he ever fixed it in his original Import mod and will keep everyone posted.
Tsar Ivaylo
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posted on January 21st, 2015, 8:08 pm
Thank you very much for your quick response, and don't worry this may be happening because your gorgeous mod is maybe a little bit too gorgeous for my antiquated puter... :thumbsup: :sweatdrop:
On the other hand i never notice lag or staggering until the game freezes and then crashes onto the desktop!... :(
Also i am from those people that still cling on to Windows XP!... :sweatdrop:
Yes i am from those people!... :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:
The only reason i do this is because i am afraid that i won't be able to play my favorite old games otherwise!!! :sweatdrop:

Update - Just a small update on the game crashing situation...
So i played again instant action game against random a.i. which turned out to be Species 8472 a.i (i was Federation by the way).... I played against the Species 8472 a.i for about twenty five minutes then the game freezed and then just unfreeze Itself alone without me doing anything... After about ten minutes of gameplay the game freezed again, and again unfreeze Itself alone without me doing anything... Then, after about fifteen minutes the game freezed again, this time stayed like this for about five minutes and then just crashed onto the desktop without unfreezing!?... :'(
Could that be my Windows XP fault, or my anciend pc, or i don't know anymore... :crybaby:
posted on January 23rd, 2015, 2:26 am
Well, I played through a couple of games with and against the Borg and a 6 player map with all 6 races and didn't have any issues or crashing. I have Vista with a 3ghz Core 2 Duo and a GTX 460 for graphics and have never encountered any problems.

I'm not sure if it could be the fact you use XP or what? 99% of the ship/station models have phong lighting to reflect light from pulse and torpedo weapons and all the dilithium moons and latinum nebula give off light as well so it could be a lot of stuff going on depending on what you are doing.

You just unzipped the files into the FO mod directory and played? Did you add anything? Did you alter any settings/play on high detail? Have you tried any of the missions yet? I'm wondering if you could play those without issue?

I also have a version of this mod for stock A2 with a few graphical things removed and it plays fine as well. Now I do have to play stock A2 in compatibility mode for XP, but other than that it works fine too? If you turned down the detail does it still freeze/crash?
Tsar Ivaylo
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posted on January 23rd, 2015, 6:07 am
Well, I toned down the graphics detail little bit and just played through the first federation mission on the campaign. :ermm:
I have to say you maybe right, i think it maybe too much stuff on screen, plus i generally play on too high settings. :blush:
I will play through the campaigns, and i will keep you posted... :ermm:

Update - I played four campaign missions from the Federation, all is fine so far!... :thumbsup:
And by the way magnificent job rifraf, you sir, are a genius! :thumbsup: 8) :D
Compliments to you and everybody else who helped you on this brilliant mod!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
You bring back cherished memories from back in the days, and for that you have my sincere admiration and genuine appreciation!!!... :rolleyes: :yes: :thumbsup:
Thank you sir! ... :thumbsup: :)
posted on January 26th, 2015, 2:53 am
Well thanks Tsar Ivaylo and I'm glad you like it. Have you tried playing some instant action games again with the settings turned down? I'm wondering if you are able to play that way without issues?

If you still can't play then I'd like to know if I need to look into fixing something in case others run into the same issues you did.
Tsar Ivaylo
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posted on January 26th, 2015, 7:33 am
I am almost done with Federation campaign - all is fine so far... :thumbsup:
As far as instant action goes (with the settings turned down) - i played few games against all races except for alternative borg - wich i am afraid to touch (afraid of more crashes ) but, nonetheless, everything is awesome!... :thumbsup: :) :D
I cannot express in words how amazing this mod is!... :thumbsup: :wub: :lol:
By the way i traced the crashes to one map - "Warzone" :assimilate:
Unfortunately i was too quick (and stupid) in my actions and just delete the map before a talking to you!... :mellow: :hmmm: :wacko:
Please forgive me, sometimes i just do quick and irrational decisions!... :blush: :panic: :sweatdrop:

P.S. - By the way the texture for the "Klingon commando team" pod missing too... :sweatdrop:
Textureless Klingon commando team pod!?...
FOScreenShot_150126_105929.png (771.45 KiB) Viewed 726 times

Update - I download the map (Warzone) from your mod and put it back again!... :sweatdrop:
It plays fine but just as i about to track down the last enemy ships on the map, and the game crash again! :ermm: :hmmm: :-\

- Okay i don't want to sound like i'm nitpicking, but is there a way to change back the Klingon pulse disruptor weapons back to green instead of red?... :ermm: (I really like them green!... -_- :sweatdrop: :P :lol: )
Why they are red anyway??? :blink: I distinctly remember in every Star Trek movie (or episode) i ever watched - They are green!!! :on2long:
I em not traing to be bad or unappreciative, i honestly don't understand why they would be red???... ???
(Also i really like the green Klingon beam disruptor weapons!... :thumbsup: :D )
Tsar Ivaylo
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posted on January 29th, 2015, 12:49 pm
Update - I know you're busy, but I'm afraid that game breaking bug in the Klingon campaign - mission "The Unknown Prize" will prevent me to finish it!!!... :-\
The Cardassian "Quantum Singularity" ship cannot be towed through the wormhole, no matter what i do!!! :hmmm: :(
I tried with a Klingon construction ship, and with Klingon assault ship which also have a tractor beam - no luck!!!... :schmoll:
Both of those two ships successfully capture and hold the "Quantum Singularity" ship, and towed it to the wormhole, but then just before they pass through the wormhole they release their tractor beam and then they pass through the wormhole alone!!!...
The "Quantum Singularity" ship still remains in Cardassian space!!!... :pinch: :(

P.S. - And yes i know about "kobayashimaru" staff, i just don't want to cheat!... -_-
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