Modding Guidelines

I want my 15 rapid-fire quantum torpedo launchers Uber-Defiant now! - Get help from modders. Share your work. Discuss modifications.
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posted on February 2nd, 2010, 1:05 am
Last edited by DOCa Cola on August 26th, 2010, 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
As I got a lot of mod requests lately, i decided to sum up some guidelines for you.

Am I allowed to release Fleet Operations mods?
Yep, you are completely free to mod Fleet Operations and release your work, as long as a few points are taken into account:
  • You leave proper credits along with a link to the Fleet Operations website in your readme.
  • You are not redistributing Fleet Operations material. Please understand that Fleet Operations includes some exclusive material, like textures and models, from 3rd party authors. If you want to modify Fleet Operations material for your mod, please leave a message in the Modding Forum first to get permission from a Fleet Operations Development Team member. This also includes the executable. Your mod has to require an installed Fleet Operations first, please do not redistribute the executables.
  • Simple text files like ODFs, sprite files, techtrees and similar content does not require permission to be edited, of course, but please don't remove copyright information if present
  • The work you want to release is yours or you have permission by the author to do so.
We are always happy to get linked :)

Am I allowed to use Fleet Operations material like models or textures in a project of mine, which is not a Fleet Operations mod?
As mentioned above we can't give you free permission, as Fleet Operations contains 3rd party work. Please leave a message first and get permission from a Fleet Operations Development Team member to do so.

Do I have to ask for permission if I'm just using Fleet Operations material in a personal mod of mine, without releasing it?
Nope, of course not. Happy modding!

Will you host my work?
Sadly we cant provide hosts for all upcoming Fleet Operations mods. But you are always welcome to link them in the Modding forum.

I encounter crashes on my mod!
If sending bug reports from your personal mods, please add a comment about that little fact when sending the report. That helps a lot to identify the errors.

I started to mod but i require help!
Feel free to recruit modders for your project in the forums (though please don't expect to get one of the always busy Fleet Operations Development Team members). If you are having trouble with certain codes, questions about textures or headaches with a model, there are a lot of people around here to help!

Happy Modding!
posted on February 2nd, 2010, 1:09 am
Excellent, thanks for posting this so now I'll be sure to follow some guidelines when releasing mods for FO.
posted on February 2nd, 2010, 1:13 am
If we make additions to the tech tree/ sprite files, do we need to ask first, or just leav credit saying only the new stuff is ours and everything else is yours.
posted on February 2nd, 2010, 1:15 am
Last edited by Optec on February 2nd, 2010, 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ah okay, a good question!

Nope, simple text files like ODFs, sprite files, the AI and the like do not require permission. I should have made that a little clearer probably, but i didn't want to sound like a lawyer :blush:

//edit: added a bullet to the main topic, thanks for the question! :D
posted on February 2nd, 2010, 1:16 am
Thank goodness :P

I thought I was going to have to re do all those things  :fish:
posted on February 2nd, 2010, 2:17 am
Good stuff to know thanks for posting the guidelines :thumbsup:
posted on February 2nd, 2010, 3:02 am
Thanks Optec for the information.

On the issue of hosting, if it's okay with the Fleet Ops team, I would be happy to host mods on my website MSFC. I have a enormous amount of bandwidth and server space and basicly very little is used. I can create a Fleet Ops download section just for this purpose as well.

I am also open for an affiliation if interested. If so the best way to contact me is via email or through a PM on either here, MSFC or A2Files.

The offer(s) are there if interested.  :thumbsup:
posted on May 10th, 2010, 9:24 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on May 10th, 2010, 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Optec wrote:If you want to modify Fleet Operations material for your mod, please leave a message in the Moding Forum first to get permission from a Fleet Operations Development Team member.

Hehe "Moding Forum" :P

Sorry, I'm childish ;)

Majestic wrote:Thanks Optec for the information.

On the issue of hosting, if it's okay with the Fleet Ops team, I would be happy to host mods on my website MSFC. I have a enormous amount of bandwidth and server space and basicly very little is used. I can create a Fleet Ops download section just for this purpose as well.

I am also open for an affiliation if interested. If so the best way to contact me is via email or through a PM on either here, MSFC or A2Files.

The offer(s) are there if interested.  :thumbsup:

Perhaps you could host funnystuff's FlOps Intro with instructions on how to get it to work ingame Majestic?
posted on May 11th, 2010, 1:32 pm
Last edited by 1337 64M3R on May 13th, 2010, 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post Cleared to to misconception of copyright laws, issue has been addressed and properly corrected.
posted on May 11th, 2010, 9:42 pm
Its courtesy plain and would you like it if people took something of yours and changed it without your permission?....Dont forget also that just because something is not copyrighted or trademarked does not automaticly give free usage rights. I also belive that when you installed fleetops you agreed to a EULA did you not? Be glad that optec and company have given permision to mod and re-release some of their creations. If u are interested in copyright laws then look it up as you obviously have internet.

I dont mean to come off as being mean or harsh towards you. But your coment is disapointing....and while it might be backed by legalality(im not sure on that one so I cant say either way) it is still moraly corupt...nothing is "free".
posted on May 11th, 2010, 9:56 pm
ehm 1337_64M3R .. this post was just... not very diplomatic to gain permission to use material, let me put it that way..

Did i miss the point where i wrote "YOU ARE UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ON EARTH AND HELL ALLOWED TO USE FLEET OPERATIONS MATERIAL"? I just asked to respect the work people did to help and improve Fleet Operations and therefore to ask us first.

As an example, Tyler just gained permission to release the 3.1.1 Fleet Operations weapon effects for armada2.

If you dont want to respect Fleet Operations, there is an uninstall shortcut in your start menu. feel free to use it.
posted on May 12th, 2010, 2:15 am
Geez Gamer all he said was that you had to ask first.  It isn't that hard, especially when you are dealing with people like the FO team who are easy to contact, and very open about their work.  :rolleyes:
posted on May 13th, 2010, 2:24 pm
Last edited by 1337 64M3R on May 13th, 2010, 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I did not release.... it is just personal modding. Of course I ask before I even think of releasing.

Adm. Zaxxon wrote:... people like the FO team who are easy to contact...

Oh... yes, email. I so happen to used this before. Sometimes I ask for feedback and I never get any. But of coure I respect their rights.

Optec wrote:ehm 1337_64M3R .. this post was just... not very diplomatic to gain permission to use material, let me put it that way..

Oh... sorry, my Klingon temper from my mother's side must have came up. :pinch: I never been much when it comes to diplomacy. But if you are really angry at me, then I hope I can find someone to make a model completely from scratch. All I simply wanted was my favorite non-canon ship. :P But of course I guess you don't want me to use it, so thereby I won't use it.

Optec wrote:As an example, Tyler just gained permission to release the 3.1.1 Fleet Operations weapon effects for armada2.

Yes, that I immediately assumed when I saw its release.

Optec wrote:If you dont want to respect Fleet Operations, there is an uninstall shortcut in your start menu. feel free to use it.

No, I respect it. I'm just trying to figure out exactly where the ex-mod material stands since it simply is not used anymore. Though I guess it is still yours so I will be more than willing to simply obey the laws. The D3V5 make the RULZ, and I shall certainly follow. :)

RYDERSTORM wrote: If u are interested in copyright laws then look it up as you obviously have internet.
...nothing is "free".

Oh... I see. The Rights of Copyright Sections 106-112 seem to clearly state that you have the right to control the entire distribution of material. I shall submit to authority. Srry for the trouble.
posted on May 13th, 2010, 2:34 pm
Optec wrote:...there is an uninstall shortcut in your start menu...

i just looked i didnt even know that was there :P

1337_64M3R wrote:Oh... I see. The Rights of Copyright Sections 106-112 seem to clearly state that you have the right to control the entire distribution of material. I shall submit to authority. Srry for the trouble.

unless that's german copyright law it's irrelevant, i believe that german copyright law covers stuff made by germans.
posted on May 13th, 2010, 2:36 pm
Last edited by 1337 64M3R on May 13th, 2010, 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
myleswolfers wrote:unless that's german copyright law it's irrelevant, i believe that german copyright law covers stuff made by germans.

:blink: Oh.... so then the US copyright law is irrelevant? I dunno what the German copyright laws say. In fact, where can I get a translated version? I don't know how to read German. :crybaby:
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