SOD based weapons
I want my 15 rapid-fire quantum torpedo launchers Uber-Defiant now! - Get help from modders. Share your work. Discuss modifications.
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posted on June 27th, 2013, 4:49 pm
Can we see the ship's odf, please?
posted on June 27th, 2013, 5:03 pm
Here u go:
unitname = "Lantean Warship"
tooltip = "Lantean Warship"
verbosetooltip = "AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxy.odf"
race = "unitedfederation"
buildtime = 104
crewcost = 450
worthxp = 80
xplevel = 1
nextrankclass = "lanteanwarship2"
nextrankxp = 43
destroyedbiomattercost = 28.6
recycledilithium = 0
recyclelatinum = 0
recyclebiomatter = 0
recycletime = 57
maxhealth = 193
curhealth = 193
healthrate = 0.606
maxshields = 645
curshields = 645
shieldrate = 1.664
shieldgeneratorhitpoints = 54
engineshitpoints = 54
weaponshitpoints = 54
lifesupporthitpoints = 54
sensorshitpoints = 54
attackpower = 1.000
intrinsicvalue = 1.000
giveisallowed = 0
physicsfile = "smooth_physics_90.odf"
trekphysicsfile = "smooth_physics_90.odf"
fleetcapfile = "all_cap_warpin.odf"
weapon1 = "drone"
weaponhardpoints1 = "hp01" "hp02"
weapon2 = "drone1"
weaponhardpoints2 = "hp03" "hp04"
weapon3 = "drone2"
weaponhardpoints3 = "hp01" "hp02"
weapon4 = "drone3"
weaponhardpoints4 = "hp03" "hp04"
enginesTargetHardpoints = "hp12"
lifeSupportTargetHardpoints = "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14" "hp15"
weaponsTargetHardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04"
shieldGeneratorTargetHardpoints = "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp09" "hp10"
sensorsTargetHardpoints = "hp08" "hp15" "hp16"
hullTargetHardpoints = "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14" "hp15" "hp16"
criticalTargetHardpoints = "hp01"
weapon1iconpos = 64 50
weapon2iconpos = 78 50
weapon3iconpos = 83 50
weapon4iconpos = 88 50
possiblecraftnames = "Aurora" "Orion" "Tria"
eventselect = "Basic2BattleshipSelect"
eventacknowledge = "Basic2BattleshipAcknowledge"
eventattack = "Basic2BattleshipAttack"
eventstop = "Basic2BattleshipStop"
eventmove = "Basic2BattleshipMove"
eventrepair = "Basic2BattleshipRepair"
shipclass = "battleship"
shiptype = "B"
enginesrepairtime = 1.0
lifesupportrepairtime = 0.25
weaponsrepairtime = 1.0
shieldgeneratorrepairtime = 1.0
sensorsrepairtime = 1.0
avoidanceclass = 8
weldingradius = 0.25
fireball = "x_large2_explosion"
classlabel = "craft"
ainame = "CraftProcess"
officercost = 0
shielddelay = 2
damagedscan = 50.0
enginescrewloss = 10.0f
lifesupportcrewloss = 10.0f
weaponscrewloss = 10.0f
shieldgeneratorcrewloss = 10.0f
sensorscrewloss = 5.0f
lifesupportloss = 2
engineshitpercent = 7.0f
lifesupporthitpercent = 7.0f
weaponshitpercent = 7.0f
shieldgeneratorhitpercent = 1.0f
sensorshitpercent = 0
crewhitpercent = 7.0f
hullhitpercent = 71.0f
ship = 1
has_hitpoints = 1
has_crew = 1
transporter = 1
alert = 1
show_sw_autonomy = 1
show_movement_autonomy = 1
can_explore = 1
combat = 1
can_sandd = 1
buildablebyownerraceonly = 1
specialenergydisplaymode = 1
extraweaponhardpoints = "root"
maxextraweapons = 10
rangescan = 850
shieldhit = "shield_fed_hitL"
shieldhitcritical = "shield_fed_hitcritL"
shielddown = "shield_fed_down"
ScaleSOD = 0.10
The only difference between weapons drone, drone1, drone2 and drone3 is the shotdelay0 time.
unitname = "Lantean Warship"
tooltip = "Lantean Warship"
verbosetooltip = "AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxy.odf"
race = "unitedfederation"
buildtime = 104
crewcost = 450
worthxp = 80
xplevel = 1
nextrankclass = "lanteanwarship2"
nextrankxp = 43
destroyedbiomattercost = 28.6
recycledilithium = 0
recyclelatinum = 0
recyclebiomatter = 0
recycletime = 57
maxhealth = 193
curhealth = 193
healthrate = 0.606
maxshields = 645
curshields = 645
shieldrate = 1.664
shieldgeneratorhitpoints = 54
engineshitpoints = 54
weaponshitpoints = 54
lifesupporthitpoints = 54
sensorshitpoints = 54
attackpower = 1.000
intrinsicvalue = 1.000
giveisallowed = 0
physicsfile = "smooth_physics_90.odf"
trekphysicsfile = "smooth_physics_90.odf"
fleetcapfile = "all_cap_warpin.odf"
weapon1 = "drone"
weaponhardpoints1 = "hp01" "hp02"
weapon2 = "drone1"
weaponhardpoints2 = "hp03" "hp04"
weapon3 = "drone2"
weaponhardpoints3 = "hp01" "hp02"
weapon4 = "drone3"
weaponhardpoints4 = "hp03" "hp04"
enginesTargetHardpoints = "hp12"
lifeSupportTargetHardpoints = "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14" "hp15"
weaponsTargetHardpoints = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04"
shieldGeneratorTargetHardpoints = "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp09" "hp10"
sensorsTargetHardpoints = "hp08" "hp15" "hp16"
hullTargetHardpoints = "hp05" "hp06" "hp07" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14" "hp15" "hp16"
criticalTargetHardpoints = "hp01"
weapon1iconpos = 64 50
weapon2iconpos = 78 50
weapon3iconpos = 83 50
weapon4iconpos = 88 50
possiblecraftnames = "Aurora" "Orion" "Tria"
eventselect = "Basic2BattleshipSelect"
eventacknowledge = "Basic2BattleshipAcknowledge"
eventattack = "Basic2BattleshipAttack"
eventstop = "Basic2BattleshipStop"
eventmove = "Basic2BattleshipMove"
eventrepair = "Basic2BattleshipRepair"
shipclass = "battleship"
shiptype = "B"
enginesrepairtime = 1.0
lifesupportrepairtime = 0.25
weaponsrepairtime = 1.0
shieldgeneratorrepairtime = 1.0
sensorsrepairtime = 1.0
avoidanceclass = 8
weldingradius = 0.25
fireball = "x_large2_explosion"
classlabel = "craft"
ainame = "CraftProcess"
officercost = 0
shielddelay = 2
damagedscan = 50.0
enginescrewloss = 10.0f
lifesupportcrewloss = 10.0f
weaponscrewloss = 10.0f
shieldgeneratorcrewloss = 10.0f
sensorscrewloss = 5.0f
lifesupportloss = 2
engineshitpercent = 7.0f
lifesupporthitpercent = 7.0f
weaponshitpercent = 7.0f
shieldgeneratorhitpercent = 1.0f
sensorshitpercent = 0
crewhitpercent = 7.0f
hullhitpercent = 71.0f
ship = 1
has_hitpoints = 1
has_crew = 1
transporter = 1
alert = 1
show_sw_autonomy = 1
show_movement_autonomy = 1
can_explore = 1
combat = 1
can_sandd = 1
buildablebyownerraceonly = 1
specialenergydisplaymode = 1
extraweaponhardpoints = "root"
maxextraweapons = 10
rangescan = 850
shieldhit = "shield_fed_hitL"
shieldhitcritical = "shield_fed_hitcritL"
shielddown = "shield_fed_down"
ScaleSOD = 0.10
The only difference between weapons drone, drone1, drone2 and drone3 is the shotdelay0 time.
posted on June 27th, 2013, 6:29 pm
Launcher does not use shotdelayX
posted on June 27th, 2013, 9:09 pm
Ok, that would explain it, lol. What other lables will work with the seek time and directional hps? I had used cannonimp but that didnt follow the hp direction ![Sad :(](/forum/images/smilies/sad.png)
![Sad :(](/forum/images/smilies/sad.png)
posted on June 27th, 2013, 9:41 pm
You can still use Launcher, just change it from shotdelayx to shotdelay.
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