Fleet Operations: Tactical Maneuvers
I want my 15 rapid-fire quantum torpedo launchers Uber-Defiant now! - Get help from modders. Share your work. Discuss modifications.
posted on August 25th, 2024, 4:09 am
Just to be sure, you're installing Tactical Maneuvers totally separate from Fleet Ops, right? Not in the Mods folder anymore.
posted on August 26th, 2024, 6:38 am
Yes, it is not working as a standalone.
But, i i try the old method, like pushing it into a mods folder below a fleetops install, i can activate the mod, and it seemingly works...
But, i i try the old method, like pushing it into a mods folder below a fleetops install, i can activate the mod, and it seemingly works...
posted on August 26th, 2024, 4:13 pm
Can you upload the error report, or at least screenshots of all the tabs from the error report? Also have you tried changing the DPI Scaling settings of the shortcut or the game executable?
posted on August 27th, 2024, 7:17 am
JanB wrote:He said there are Klingon turrets on that map so Tryptic has to remove or replace those to stop the map from crashing.
Yeah, there are NPC turrets - and this is a big plus point for the map, as it adds an additional tactical component. It would be a great pity if this were no longer possible with TM!
posted on August 29th, 2024, 3:40 pm
A new bug: I can't level the Sovereign class to max.
- level.png (417.94 KiB) Viewed 1226 times
posted on September 5th, 2024, 11:32 am
Last edited by Dragi on September 5th, 2024, 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Found another very strange bug and suspect it's related to the Borg. (I have played the same map several times with this version and have never had this bug, but also no Borg as opponents)
In some areas (more and more) the ships no longer react correctly. For example, construction ships fly to the construction site, but do not start construction and resource collectors simply stop, for example. What is always common is that the ships remain nose down.
In some areas (more and more) the ships no longer react correctly. For example, construction ships fly to the construction site, but do not start construction and resource collectors simply stop, for example. What is always common is that the ships remain nose down.
- nase-runter.jpg (357.96 KiB) Viewed 1130 times
posted on September 18th, 2024, 11:37 am
Next crash, when trying to use the Borg's optimisation.
- Screenshot 2024-09-18 133118.jpg (309.47 KiB) Viewed 1009 times
posted on September 23rd, 2024, 8:18 am
Hey Tryptic, do you still post updates / answers to your mod here? I have to admit that I have no need to install Discord or anything like that right now...
posted on October 2nd, 2024, 7:32 am
What I also notice negatively in the current version in terms of gameplay is the lack of the cancel button for construction orders. It has now happened several times that I have lost construction ship(s) that I could have saved by cancelling the construction in the event of an attack. This somehow makes no logical sense.
posted on October 14th, 2024, 7:50 am
Hey there, I'm not dead! I haven't been able to dedicate any time to modding recently due to a work crunch (among other things). But I have no intention of stopping development, and I'm getting closer to returning. I should be able to put out a new version in about a month, fixing the Fed veteran ships and a few other bugs I've been told about.
The cancel construction button missing is one I hadn't noticed, since I always use the Backspace key to do it. If you want to speed up my investigation, you can list the construction ships/stations which are missing the button, and when (if they are missing the button only sometimes). Once I get back into it I'll be able to go through all the cases and find them myself if needed.
The cancel construction button missing is one I hadn't noticed, since I always use the Backspace key to do it. If you want to speed up my investigation, you can list the construction ships/stations which are missing the button, and when (if they are missing the button only sometimes). Once I get back into it I'll be able to go through all the cases and find them myself if needed.
posted on October 19th, 2024, 9:52 pm
Hey Tryptic,
I've been playing a lot of this mod since I got back into TNG, DS9, VOY and Enterprise.
I love the additions you have made to the mod, it makes the game feel even better than the last time I played it many, many years ago.
I do have some suggestions, though not sure how or if they could be added to the mod.
I noticed in the mod, the player can transfer resources by using the Starbase upgrade. I was curious if this same feature could be made so the player had to build a trading station (like one of the older Armada games) to access this feature.
I was also curious if the runabout could be added to one of the starting avatars that would replace the venture class as the scout. I only really play as the Feds on skirmish... just just something to spice up the gameplay early on. I'm not sure about balancing but I feel like a runabout would be beefier in terms of the venture class.
My last idea would be to see if the Luna class could make an appearance. I don't recall seeing it in the original fleet ops, again, not sure about balancing in terms of the other races.
The only other thing I can think of is adding *events* to the map as well as being able to buy salvaged ships from the Ferengi.. I realise that this is a balancing mod so I'm not sure how relevant these would be to the gameplay/ mod, or even if any of these are achievable.
Fantastic work on the mod, it cheered me up that fleetops is surviving in ways!
I've been playing a lot of this mod since I got back into TNG, DS9, VOY and Enterprise.
I love the additions you have made to the mod, it makes the game feel even better than the last time I played it many, many years ago.
I do have some suggestions, though not sure how or if they could be added to the mod.
I noticed in the mod, the player can transfer resources by using the Starbase upgrade. I was curious if this same feature could be made so the player had to build a trading station (like one of the older Armada games) to access this feature.
I was also curious if the runabout could be added to one of the starting avatars that would replace the venture class as the scout. I only really play as the Feds on skirmish... just just something to spice up the gameplay early on. I'm not sure about balancing but I feel like a runabout would be beefier in terms of the venture class.
My last idea would be to see if the Luna class could make an appearance. I don't recall seeing it in the original fleet ops, again, not sure about balancing in terms of the other races.
The only other thing I can think of is adding *events* to the map as well as being able to buy salvaged ships from the Ferengi.. I realise that this is a balancing mod so I'm not sure how relevant these would be to the gameplay/ mod, or even if any of these are achievable.
Fantastic work on the mod, it cheered me up that fleetops is surviving in ways!
posted on October 31st, 2024, 5:45 pm
I played 5.0.5 - Feds vs Borg on Allies and noticed the following:
- defense turrets and starbases do not fire at Borg scout ships (but they do fire at the turrets)
- once warp in ships are requested, they keep spawning when the timer is reloaded without me calling them in
- Nebula full scan does not work properly sometimes (button clicked, but no expanded scan range)
- AI control for special weapons sometimes does not appear and cannot be selected, even if there are ships selected which are equipped with special abilities
- defense turrets and starbases do not fire at Borg scout ships (but they do fire at the turrets)
- once warp in ships are requested, they keep spawning when the timer is reloaded without me calling them in
- Nebula full scan does not work properly sometimes (button clicked, but no expanded scan range)
- AI control for special weapons sometimes does not appear and cannot be selected, even if there are ships selected which are equipped with special abilities
posted on November 2nd, 2024, 8:06 pm
fisher_2000 wrote:Hey Tryptic,
I've been playing a lot of this mod since I got back into TNG, DS9, VOY and Enterprise.
I love the additions you have made to the mod, it makes the game feel even better than the last time I played it many, many years ago.
I do have some suggestions, though not sure how or if they could be added to the mod.
I noticed in the mod, the player can transfer resources by using the Starbase upgrade. I was curious if this same feature could be made so the player had to build a trading station (like one of the older Armada games) to access this feature.
I was also curious if the runabout could be added to one of the starting avatars that would replace the venture class as the scout. I only really play as the Feds on skirmish... just just something to spice up the gameplay early on. I'm not sure about balancing but I feel like a runabout would be beefier in terms of the venture class.
My last idea would be to see if the Luna class could make an appearance. I don't recall seeing it in the original fleet ops, again, not sure about balancing in terms of the other races.
The only other thing I can think of is adding *events* to the map as well as being able to buy salvaged ships from the Ferengi.. I realise that this is a balancing mod so I'm not sure how relevant these would be to the gameplay/ mod, or even if any of these are achievable.
Fantastic work on the mod, it cheered me up that fleetops is surviving in ways!
Hey there! Glad you're enjoying it.
-Right now exchanging resources is a Federation-only ability, to represent their civilian trading network. I've considered giving the ability to the other races, but for now it'll remain exclusive to the Feds
-Adding the Runabout as an optional Federation Scout skin seems pretty easy, I'll go ahead and do it.
-I'm not planning to add more ships to the Feds in base Tactical Maneuvers, but I have a side project called Community Mod where I'll add any ship that someone requests (and that I can get a model for). I would have to get a Luna model and some ship stats, but with that I'll gladly add the ship.
-I also want to add neutral shipyards, capturable stations, and events. It's just taking me a very long time to make the code base as stable as possible and finish the basic game balance. Then the fun stuff comes.
DMC1701 wrote:I played 5.0.5 - Feds vs Borg on Allies and noticed the following:
- defense turrets and starbases do not fire at Borg scout ships (but they do fire at the turrets)
- once warp in ships are requested, they keep spawning when the timer is reloaded without me calling them in
- Nebula full scan does not work properly sometimes (button clicked, but no expanded scan range)
- AI control for special weapons sometimes does not appear and cannot be selected, even if there are ships selected which are equipped with special abilities
-Station-based weaponry can't fire at any Scout ships, this is intentional
-In my own games, I can't get the bug where warp-in ships keep coming automatically. If you have a game where it's happening, could you save it and send me the save file?
-I'll investigate the Nebula's Full Scan. Is it only failing when the ship is a certain rank, like a Veteran?
-I disabled Special Weapon Autonomy on ships where the AI can't control the special weapons anyway. I didn't want people to think the ship could fire them automatically when it can't.
posted on November 2nd, 2024, 11:36 pm
Tryptic wrote:
-Adding the Runabout as an optional Federation Scout skin seems pretty easy, I'll go ahead and do it.
-I'm not planning to add more ships to the Feds in base Tactical Maneuvers, but I have a side project called Community Mod where I'll add any ship that someone requests (and that I can get a model for). I would have to get a Luna model and some ship stats, but with that, I'll gladly add the ship.
-I also want to add neutral shipyards, capturable stations, and events. It's just taking me a very long time to make the code base as stable as possible and finish the basic game balance. Then the fun stuff comes.
WOW, that's fantastic to hear! Hyped to see this now! I suppose the runabout could also be upgradeable to be able to support the photon torpedos like in the show. I suppose that would be a good substitute for research for the venture class.
The capturable shipyards are an absolute belter of an idea! I love things that can change the map dynamic. A good idea for this would be to offer exclusive ships that are only available to build at these yards. It could be a great way to add additional ships to the game without messing the tech tree up too much.
Keep up the great work!!
posted on November 15th, 2024, 7:10 am
I am pleased to announce that Tactical Maneuvers Version 5.0.6 has gone live over at ModDB!
https://www.moddb.com/mods/fleet-operat ... nloadsform
There's a whole lot this time (although I didn't get to adding the runabout yet, sadly.
5.0.6 Changelog
-restored the Stop button, which felt inadequate and was hiding behind the Repair button
-fixed miners being unable to manually dock without full cargo hold
-fixed ships cloaking while under fire immediately decloaking
-fixed crash when taking a screenshot using Alt-P
-fixed crash when firing Hyperspace Artillery at a moon
-fixed crash when using Bortas' Ion Storm ability
-fixed Klingon and Romulan Command not working
-fixed Klingon and Romulan Veteran button not visible when Veteran cap is full
-fixed Special Stations not being limited to 1
-fixed Allied Repair making an explosion when it completes
-fixed Assimilator/Diamond with Beam module getting Torpedo resist
-fixed Pyramid build animation finishing before the Pyramid finishes
-fixed Adaptor with EM module not losing its Resistance bonus when adapted
-fixed Remote Tachyon Ping not working
-fixed Dominion Command/Energy recharge not working (Dreadnought mixed-tech variants)
-fixed S-2 Escort Cruiser not group-selecting across ranks (using double-click)
-fixed B-5 with Klingon tech being able to use Polaron Torp without Biowarhead research
-fixed Sovereign with Borg tech, Descent unable to become Veteran
-fixed Phalanx taking 9 Veteran slots instead of 10
-fixed Descent not getting its Officer Defense bonus (+10/+20)
-fixed Klingon Trial by Combat (Moqbara ability) not working
-fixed Veqlaraghs not getting Taqroja's +2 Offense bonus
-fixed Ferengi 3000-Dilithium tariff on Veqlaragh's Alternate Armament research
-fixed Officer rank Neghvar missing selection image
-fixed Romulan mining upgrades not working
-fixed Norexan Multi Purpose Weapons having random cooldown
-fixed Tavara becoming bugged instead of upgrading to Veteran
-fixed AI building unlimited Tavaras
-greatly increased all Starbase Off/Def, especially when fully upgraded
-removed Resistance bonus for fully-upgraded Starbases (still immune to disabling)
-added Resistance level 6 (only affects Veteran Sovereign with Borg tech)
-added 24% Torpedo resist to Adaptor with Torpedo module
-added 16% Beam resist to Assimilator/Diamond with Beam module
-added 16% Beam resist to V-13 Battleship with Borg tech
-reduced Probe build cost
-reduced area of Nanite Factory passive boarding, no longer affects cloaked
-reduced area and strength of Assimilation Nanites
-reduced Diamond build cost
-Cloning Facility Ketracel Refinery upgrade now generates 15 Supply/min
-Hyperspace Communications Center now requires Ketracel White Facility (in addition to Technology Lab)
-increased Supply cost of Gamma Quadrant Strike Force (level 2 warp-in) 600>900
-reduced range of Implosion Device Officer passive from Long to Medium
-reduced disable chance of Breen Cruiser torpedoes 4%>2%
-reduced disable chance of Breen Battleship torpedoes 12%>8%
-reduced Offense of Saber 17>15
-increased Akira build cost
-reduced Steamrunner Speed 110>90 (70>50 during Triloader)
-reduced effect of Steamrunner Triloader ability, now fires 6 shots in 12 seconds intead of 6 seconds
-reduced footprint size of Scout station/Sensor Station
-Imperial Research now requires Armory
-reduced Kbeajq, Kvort, Susa, Edjen, Sang, Vorcha build costs
-increased stats of Vutpa from 34/28/15 to 35/38/15, reduced effect of Targeting Scrambler passive
-reduced Offense of Chonaq 45>37, firing arc 270>120 degrees, and damage bonus 30%>20%
-increased Assault Disruptor (Chonaq) damage delay 1.5>2 seconds
-Chonaq's Energy Buffer now reduces firing arc to 60 degrees and speed by 40 (was 30)
-increased damage of Neghvar's Weapon Overload 300>400
-reduced damage of Norexan's Multipurpose Weapons 20>15 per shot
The Scoutcube with an EM module can now adapt to other races the same way the Adaptor does.
The ship loses its +2 Resistance to special weapons and gainst 40% resistance to the normal weapons
of the race it has adapted to.
An early version of the Teutoburg has been added. It serves as Mayson's Experimental warp-in
and has a rapid-fire artillery-range torpedo attack. In the future, its weaponry will be toned
down and it will have an area buff that adds torpedo weapons to allied ships.
https://www.moddb.com/mods/fleet-operat ... nloadsform
There's a whole lot this time (although I didn't get to adding the runabout yet, sadly.
5.0.6 Changelog
-restored the Stop button, which felt inadequate and was hiding behind the Repair button
-fixed miners being unable to manually dock without full cargo hold
-fixed ships cloaking while under fire immediately decloaking
-fixed crash when taking a screenshot using Alt-P
-fixed crash when firing Hyperspace Artillery at a moon
-fixed crash when using Bortas' Ion Storm ability
-fixed Klingon and Romulan Command not working
-fixed Klingon and Romulan Veteran button not visible when Veteran cap is full
-fixed Special Stations not being limited to 1
-fixed Allied Repair making an explosion when it completes
-fixed Assimilator/Diamond with Beam module getting Torpedo resist
-fixed Pyramid build animation finishing before the Pyramid finishes
-fixed Adaptor with EM module not losing its Resistance bonus when adapted
-fixed Remote Tachyon Ping not working
-fixed Dominion Command/Energy recharge not working (Dreadnought mixed-tech variants)
-fixed S-2 Escort Cruiser not group-selecting across ranks (using double-click)
-fixed B-5 with Klingon tech being able to use Polaron Torp without Biowarhead research
-fixed Sovereign with Borg tech, Descent unable to become Veteran
-fixed Phalanx taking 9 Veteran slots instead of 10
-fixed Descent not getting its Officer Defense bonus (+10/+20)
-fixed Klingon Trial by Combat (Moqbara ability) not working
-fixed Veqlaraghs not getting Taqroja's +2 Offense bonus
-fixed Ferengi 3000-Dilithium tariff on Veqlaragh's Alternate Armament research
-fixed Officer rank Neghvar missing selection image
-fixed Romulan mining upgrades not working
-fixed Norexan Multi Purpose Weapons having random cooldown
-fixed Tavara becoming bugged instead of upgrading to Veteran
-fixed AI building unlimited Tavaras
-greatly increased all Starbase Off/Def, especially when fully upgraded
-removed Resistance bonus for fully-upgraded Starbases (still immune to disabling)
-added Resistance level 6 (only affects Veteran Sovereign with Borg tech)
-added 24% Torpedo resist to Adaptor with Torpedo module
-added 16% Beam resist to Assimilator/Diamond with Beam module
-added 16% Beam resist to V-13 Battleship with Borg tech
-reduced Probe build cost
-reduced area of Nanite Factory passive boarding, no longer affects cloaked
-reduced area and strength of Assimilation Nanites
-reduced Diamond build cost
-Cloning Facility Ketracel Refinery upgrade now generates 15 Supply/min
-Hyperspace Communications Center now requires Ketracel White Facility (in addition to Technology Lab)
-increased Supply cost of Gamma Quadrant Strike Force (level 2 warp-in) 600>900
-reduced range of Implosion Device Officer passive from Long to Medium
-reduced disable chance of Breen Cruiser torpedoes 4%>2%
-reduced disable chance of Breen Battleship torpedoes 12%>8%
-reduced Offense of Saber 17>15
-increased Akira build cost
-reduced Steamrunner Speed 110>90 (70>50 during Triloader)
-reduced effect of Steamrunner Triloader ability, now fires 6 shots in 12 seconds intead of 6 seconds
-reduced footprint size of Scout station/Sensor Station
-Imperial Research now requires Armory
-reduced Kbeajq, Kvort, Susa, Edjen, Sang, Vorcha build costs
-increased stats of Vutpa from 34/28/15 to 35/38/15, reduced effect of Targeting Scrambler passive
-reduced Offense of Chonaq 45>37, firing arc 270>120 degrees, and damage bonus 30%>20%
-increased Assault Disruptor (Chonaq) damage delay 1.5>2 seconds
-Chonaq's Energy Buffer now reduces firing arc to 60 degrees and speed by 40 (was 30)
-increased damage of Neghvar's Weapon Overload 300>400
-reduced damage of Norexan's Multipurpose Weapons 20>15 per shot
The Scoutcube with an EM module can now adapt to other races the same way the Adaptor does.
The ship loses its +2 Resistance to special weapons and gainst 40% resistance to the normal weapons
of the race it has adapted to.
An early version of the Teutoburg has been added. It serves as Mayson's Experimental warp-in
and has a rapid-fire artillery-range torpedo attack. In the future, its weaponry will be toned
down and it will have an area buff that adds torpedo weapons to allied ships.
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