Ashes of Cardassia Mod
posted on April 15th, 2014, 11:48 pm
I always thought they seemed like the Breen and was rather happy they didn't say it outright. One of the things I thought ENT got right.
posted on April 16th, 2014, 1:04 am
There are several small visual similarities between the FoF ship and a Breen ship. It could be just Eaves recycling designs or coincidence, but here they are:
This part of the FoF ship is a combination of these two parts of a Breen ship more or less.
This one is a bit of a stretch, but other then the color difference the "fangs" of both ships have a grooved straightaway on the interior of the point.
It's hard to see in the FoF episode, but both the rear ends of the ships are almost perfectly identical in shape. The FoF ship doesn't have the glowing green bulb however, it's solid and grey.
Taking into account 200 years of development and it's sort of easy to see how the FoF ships might have been a 22nd century Breen design. The big difference is the FoF ship is symmetrical in shape (though the patterns on the hull are not), where's Breen ships are asymmetrical.
The episode Fight or Flight also has a heavy emphasis on blood (the FoF aliens are extracting it from their victims). DS9 pointed out that the Breen lacked blood or a circulatory system and it was unknown how they survived, maybe they use the blood of other species as sustenance? I should also point out that the Enterprise's flight path was towards Breen space during the episode, though it was still quite far from Breen space. It's all mostly conjecture without much facts, but it's a theory I've held unto.
This part of the FoF ship is a combination of these two parts of a Breen ship more or less.
This one is a bit of a stretch, but other then the color difference the "fangs" of both ships have a grooved straightaway on the interior of the point.
It's hard to see in the FoF episode, but both the rear ends of the ships are almost perfectly identical in shape. The FoF ship doesn't have the glowing green bulb however, it's solid and grey.
Taking into account 200 years of development and it's sort of easy to see how the FoF ships might have been a 22nd century Breen design. The big difference is the FoF ship is symmetrical in shape (though the patterns on the hull are not), where's Breen ships are asymmetrical.
The episode Fight or Flight also has a heavy emphasis on blood (the FoF aliens are extracting it from their victims). DS9 pointed out that the Breen lacked blood or a circulatory system and it was unknown how they survived, maybe they use the blood of other species as sustenance? I should also point out that the Enterprise's flight path was towards Breen space during the episode, though it was still quite far from Breen space. It's all mostly conjecture without much facts, but it's a theory I've held unto.
posted on April 16th, 2014, 8:05 am
The Undying Nephalim wrote:The big difference is the FoF ship is symmetrical in shape (though the patterns on the hull are not), where's Breen ships are asymmetrical.
i like your theory of that ship in ENT being breen, and the breen stealing blood like vidiians. maybe they used to have working circulatory systems before they started living in those suits.
as for symmetry, we saw a grand total of 1 breen design in the show. and that ship had concept art which was mostly symmetrical. so there's no rule that all breen ships are asymmetrical.
posted on April 16th, 2014, 4:42 pm
Out of curiosity The Undying Nephalim; in Fight or Flight, how do you know that the Enterprise's flight path was near Breen Space? I never really notice that or thought it was referenced where they were. I do agree though that in Fight or Flight the alien ship could be Breen.
posted on April 20th, 2014, 1:36 am
Myles wrote:as for symmetry, we saw a grand total of 1 breen design in the show. and that ship had concept art which was mostly symmetrical. so there's no rule that all breen ships are asymmetrical.
This is true. The Breen ship from DS9 is also mostly symmetrical, the only asymmetrical element of it is the longer scythe shaped wing slightly to the right of the ship's center.
miklosgo wrote:Out of curiosity The Undying Nephalim; in Fight or Flight, how do you know that the Enterprise's flight path was near Breen Space? I never really notice that or thought it was referenced where they were. I do agree though that in Fight or Flight the alien ship could be Breen.
They were not near Breen space, rather then were moving towards Breen territory until the episode Terra Nova. They were still quite distant from Breen Space, but there were no other galactic empires between them and the Breen so it's plausible they had operations that close to Vulcan space.
Anyways, some more units:
Netel Destroyer
One of the older destroyer designs in the Cardassian arsenal, Netels were retired in favor of the smaller and cheaper Hidekis early in the 24th Century. Some Guls and Legates still field and deploy these ships which serve as small gunboats against medium and larger vessels.
Offense 20
Defense 12
System 7
Weapon Range: Short
1 Spiral Wave Disruptor (Forward)
2 Pulse Disruptors (Alternate, Forward)
Special Ability:
Burst Fire - The Netel's gunnery cew create gaps in the ship's firing systems, resulting in a small series of pulses instead of a spiral beam. Netel's firepower does increased damage to small sized vessels but decreased damage against large vessels.
Aidron Support Carrier
The Aidron Support Carrier brings a host of Breen drones to the battlefield. Smaller than shuttles and other fighter craft, Breen Drones often do minimal damage but serve as cheap and effective decoys and distractions. The Carrier itself carries minimal armaments but its decent speed allows it to deploy its load and retreat behind friendly forces with ease.
Offense 15
Defense 28
System 15
Weapon Range: Medium
1 Breen Disruptor (4 mounts, Omni)
5 Hangar Bays
Special Ability:
Nebula Shroud - The Aidron vents nebulous gasses from its storage banks. The resulting cloud shrouds the carrier and several vessels in close proximity from enemy sensors. While mindful commanders will likely become suspicious of the nebula, they often grant a few extra seconds to engage an enemy before they make their move. The Aidron's engines are disabled when dispensing the nebula gasses. Lasts 20 seconds.
posted on April 29th, 2014, 11:25 pm
Vasad Assault Cruiser
Based largely on the Galor's hull design, the Vasad's forward Spiral Wave Disruptor was greatly expanded upon. Serving as a siege unit, a pair of Vasads are often sent to tear down large defensive fortifications. As a result the Vasad is rather specialized and useless against smaller targets.
Offense 35
Defense 25
System 20
Weapon Range: Medium
3 Siege Spiral Wave Disruptors (Forward)
Special Ability:
Emergency Fallback - Power is diverted to the Vasad's impulse engines, greatly increasing its speed. The Vasad is unable to fire any weaponry while ability it active. Lasts seven seconds.
Silos Interceptor
These fast and lightly armed ships serve as long ranged destroyers charged with guarding Breen space from intruders. They are rather frail, though their speed and far reaching weaponry makes them ideal snipers against larger vessels.
Offense 14
Defense 8
System 6
Weapon Range: Long
1 Breen Torpedo Launcher (Forward)
Special Ability:
Stafing Run - Silos Interceptor engages omni thrusters, allowing it to rotate while moving forward. Torpedoes become Omni Directional, though movement speed is decreased by 10% and Defensive Value decreased by 2.
Based largely on the Galor's hull design, the Vasad's forward Spiral Wave Disruptor was greatly expanded upon. Serving as a siege unit, a pair of Vasads are often sent to tear down large defensive fortifications. As a result the Vasad is rather specialized and useless against smaller targets.
Offense 35
Defense 25
System 20
Weapon Range: Medium
3 Siege Spiral Wave Disruptors (Forward)
Special Ability:
Emergency Fallback - Power is diverted to the Vasad's impulse engines, greatly increasing its speed. The Vasad is unable to fire any weaponry while ability it active. Lasts seven seconds.
Silos Interceptor
These fast and lightly armed ships serve as long ranged destroyers charged with guarding Breen space from intruders. They are rather frail, though their speed and far reaching weaponry makes them ideal snipers against larger vessels.
Offense 14
Defense 8
System 6
Weapon Range: Long
1 Breen Torpedo Launcher (Forward)
Special Ability:
Stafing Run - Silos Interceptor engages omni thrusters, allowing it to rotate while moving forward. Torpedoes become Omni Directional, though movement speed is decreased by 10% and Defensive Value decreased by 2.
posted on April 29th, 2014, 11:32 pm
posted on April 30th, 2014, 1:36 am
Awesome! I'm unbelievably stoked for this mod. Methinks it'll get me to install Armada 2 on my new computer...
posted on April 30th, 2014, 2:53 pm
Great work make, keep up the fantastic work.
posted on May 2nd, 2014, 2:29 pm
Can't wait
Over the top renders. I was always trying to like the Cardassians, but it's hard to get over the orange-yellowish battle axe. Certain models including the micromachine version had that brown end that seemed like the ship was doing something unsightly... I like these textures a lot better ^_^
Will the Cardi turrets have a SPoF similar to the Romulan singularity station?
Over the top renders. I was always trying to like the Cardassians, but it's hard to get over the orange-yellowish battle axe. Certain models including the micromachine version had that brown end that seemed like the ship was doing something unsightly... I like these textures a lot better ^_^
Will the Cardi turrets have a SPoF similar to the Romulan singularity station?
posted on May 2nd, 2014, 8:38 pm
Jinseta Yensei wrote:Certain models including the micromachine version had that brown end that seemed like the ship was doing something unsightly...
I have the Galor and Keldon micromachines on my desk.
Jinseta Yensei wrote:Will the Cardi turrets have a SPoF similar to the Romulan singularity station?
Yes, Cardassian turrets will require a power source like Romulan Turrets.
posted on May 3rd, 2014, 5:04 pm
i do miss the yellow battle axe look, but these are fantastic, will be interesting to see how you go with the breen stations (as far as i can remember they never showed any on screen)
posted on May 3rd, 2014, 10:24 pm
hellodean wrote:i do miss the yellow battle axe look, but these are fantastic, will be interesting to see how you go with the breen stations (as far as i can remember they never showed any on screen)
Maybe some contorted spiral looking thingy. The research stations could have some of those 'bubbling' surfaces like a certain other species had. BTW, while Terak Nor might be over the top in AoC, the mining station could be made to look like that... maybe. Who knows, artistic license is fair and dangerous dame...
The Undying Nephalim wrote:I have the Galor and Keldon micromachines on my desk.
Poor micros. If only the company had used better materials. Those ships might've been 'up' to par. They were all I had since the nearest hobby store was 50 miles away... *salutes the cable recordings of TNG on VHS* Here's to the 90s... the era I almost dodged...
Anywho, I digest. I'm looking forward to Cardassia's return and the unveiling of the Breen. I shall keep a keen eye for the mod's release.
posted on May 4th, 2014, 9:13 pm
Damar Support Destroyer
Designed after the Dominion War as a smaller and cheaper replacement for the Galor, the Damar class destroyer evolved into a small support vessel. These ships now bring their special abilities to the frontlines and are quickly becoming a popular ship in the Cardassian military.
Offense 13
Defense 9
System 20
Weapon Range: Short
2 Spiral Disruptor Cannons (180 degree arc, Forward)
Special Abilities:
Advanced Weapon Scanners - The Damar's sensors keep track of incoming weapon fire, modifying the shield modulation of nearby friendly ships to compensate. The Shields of up to three allied ships become 10% more resistant to all weapon damage while ability is active.
Deploy Sensor Drones - The Damar launches a pair of automated Sensor Drones that orbit the ship. Once Cloaking Detection has been researched they can unleash Tachyon Pings once every thirty seconds.
Engage Defensive Systems - The Damar activates its defensive systems, coating the ship in additional armor plating and diverting power to its weapon systems, increasing both its Offense and Defense values by 3 while reducing movement speed by 25%. The Damar is unable to use its other two special abilities while this mode is active.
Val Bombardier
This swift and fragile ship serves as a long range support weapon, able to snipe smaller enemy vessels with its pulse cannon from a distance. Like several other Breen ships, this makes the Val very specialized and it is unlikely to last in many other combat situations.
Offense 22
Defense 13
System 8
Weapon Range: Long
1 Breen Tetryon Distruptor (Forward Facing)
1 Breen Distruptor (Forward Facing)
Special Ability:
Tetryon Burst - The Val overcharges its Tetryon Cannon, firing a large burst of energy. Deals increased damaged to Stations. Has a high miss rate against smaller vessels.
Designed after the Dominion War as a smaller and cheaper replacement for the Galor, the Damar class destroyer evolved into a small support vessel. These ships now bring their special abilities to the frontlines and are quickly becoming a popular ship in the Cardassian military.
Offense 13
Defense 9
System 20
Weapon Range: Short
2 Spiral Disruptor Cannons (180 degree arc, Forward)
Special Abilities:
Advanced Weapon Scanners - The Damar's sensors keep track of incoming weapon fire, modifying the shield modulation of nearby friendly ships to compensate. The Shields of up to three allied ships become 10% more resistant to all weapon damage while ability is active.
Deploy Sensor Drones - The Damar launches a pair of automated Sensor Drones that orbit the ship. Once Cloaking Detection has been researched they can unleash Tachyon Pings once every thirty seconds.
Engage Defensive Systems - The Damar activates its defensive systems, coating the ship in additional armor plating and diverting power to its weapon systems, increasing both its Offense and Defense values by 3 while reducing movement speed by 25%. The Damar is unable to use its other two special abilities while this mode is active.
Val Bombardier
This swift and fragile ship serves as a long range support weapon, able to snipe smaller enemy vessels with its pulse cannon from a distance. Like several other Breen ships, this makes the Val very specialized and it is unlikely to last in many other combat situations.
Offense 22
Defense 13
System 8
Weapon Range: Long
1 Breen Tetryon Distruptor (Forward Facing)
1 Breen Distruptor (Forward Facing)
Special Ability:
Tetryon Burst - The Val overcharges its Tetryon Cannon, firing a large burst of energy. Deals increased damaged to Stations. Has a high miss rate against smaller vessels.
posted on May 7th, 2014, 1:47 am
Loving the special weapons mate, they sound awesome.
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