Megadroid's Mission Mod 1.0.0

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posted on October 4th, 2011, 9:02 pm
Last edited by Megadroid on October 4th, 2011, 11:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
After an impressive delay, the first full version of MMM is ready for release.

Click here to read this article!
posted on October 4th, 2011, 9:07 pm
congrats on the first release :D

looking forward to seeing all mmm's capabilities.
posted on October 4th, 2011, 9:13 pm
Very nice! :thumbsup:

I've been looking forward to this!
posted on October 4th, 2011, 9:27 pm
Last edited by Terra_Inc on October 4th, 2011, 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
OH. YEAAH. :D Chris I love you!
posted on October 4th, 2011, 10:21 pm
Sounds great and a long time coming and sounds like it was well worth the wait, however where does one download this?
posted on October 4th, 2011, 10:33 pm
looks fun shame that you didnt include the redo of the 1st a1 mission you made
posted on October 4th, 2011, 10:34 pm
Last edited by Megadroid on October 4th, 2011, 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Majestic wrote:Sounds great and a long time coming and sounds like it was well worth the wait, however where does one download this?

Download links are on this page : Getting Started.

Blade wrote:looks fun shame that you didnt include the redo of the 1st a1 mission you made

There will be a small update soon to allow for child mods - I'll either include it in there or post it up separately.
posted on October 4th, 2011, 10:44 pm
A huge thanks, I missed that. *face palm* I am looking forward to trying this out.  :thumbsup:
posted on October 4th, 2011, 11:47 pm
Woo!  Thanks megadroid!  You might revived the non FO modding community with this. :woot:
posted on October 5th, 2011, 1:29 am
Hurray, I can finally create my missions now :D
posted on October 5th, 2011, 1:39 am
So who will translate the A1 + A2 missions to FO first :p
posted on October 5th, 2011, 2:50 am
1st post here, but i can honestly say that this looks great and i cant wait for that update  :thumbsup:
posted on October 5th, 2011, 10:47 am
so to make a pack you basically make a .zip and rename the extension to mmmpack (im assuming it has to be originally .zip and not .rar or .7z etc?)
posted on October 5th, 2011, 11:00 am
Yes, that's right. Just a standard zip with the extension changed to mmmpack.
posted on October 5th, 2011, 6:03 pm
Congratulations! Phantastic work. When will this be integrated to a multiplayer-playable FleetOps-release?
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