Voice of the Klingon Empire

Announcements and news by us. Post comments about them here.
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posted on April 7th, 2015, 5:22 pm
I know we going to see NX the R.I.P is for where Fleet Operations is at now all waiting on NX and i see you going at full impulse power we need Warp 9.75 :D or better yet be a Tom paris go warp 10 we be done in no time :D

Looking at the last news post from you Dominus_Noctis was in the first month of 2015 we now move in to the 4 month of the year so hoping for a new news post soon with lots of info on whats coming whats been done not all as we want some surprises when NX comes. Also hoping on maybe 2 or 3 more news post then maybe a playable version of NX by end of the year one can hope :D

On last note i like that the Project Progress page seem to be going down more now and not just the same for 8 months like we was geting befor last time i looked was 71 now 61 :D :D :D :D :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
posted on April 8th, 2015, 4:39 pm
@ Dom: Please cite Internet rule #14

Still all supportive and such from this end. Keep up the good work.
posted on April 9th, 2015, 3:10 pm
*lol* Oh dear, he's crying again. Does anyone have a spare pacifier for him?

One thing you don't seem to realise, "NewBigNub", is that you don't get to decide these things. You are nobody. You can't dictate how quick they "should" make progress, and declare "RIP" when they don't hit your ignorantly-conceived targets (because let's face it, you have no idea what you're talking about. You don't know anything about the work they're doing, let alone what else is going on in their lives).

So how about sit down and shut up?

*awaits your flailing flaming* :)

And, towards the Devs, I'd like to clarify that this moron does not speak for all of us. He speaks for himself only. I, for one, am more than happy with the work you guys are doing, and still appreciate the work you've already done, as I enjoy continuing to play the current version.
posted on April 9th, 2015, 11:06 pm
Wow Atlantis was just saying R.I.P 3.2.7 as no one playing now - me and few people one or 2 games a week if lucky to get a game and looking forward to playing and hearing more about NX. Then you come along and take my head off bit random but there we go (hmm some people)

P.S Keep up the good work Devs :D
posted on April 9th, 2015, 11:07 pm
On last note i like that the Project Progress page seem to be going down more now and not just the same for 8 months like we was geting befor last time i looked was 71 now 61.

60 Now woop woop :D
posted on April 10th, 2015, 6:26 am
NewBigNub_MM wrote:Wow Atlantis was just saying R.I.P 3.2.7 as no one playing now - me and few people one or 2 games a week if lucky to get a game

*lol* Having a bit of a memory problem, are you? What a shame.

When, hmm? When did you say that?

No, what you said was:

NewBigNub_MM wrote:I know we going to see NX the R.I.P is for where Fleet Operations is at now all waiting on NX and i see you going at full impulse power we need Warp 9.75 :D or better yet be a Tom paris go warp 10 we be done in no time :D

Looking at the last news post from you Dominus_Noctis was in the first month of 2015 we now move in to the 4 month of the year so hoping for a new news post soon with lots of info on whats coming whats been done not all as we want some surprises when NX comes. Also hoping on maybe 2 or 3 more news post then maybe a playable version of NX by end of the year one can hope :D

...which is precisely what I replied to.

Hmm, some people. :)
posted on April 10th, 2015, 10:19 am
Also, you consider THAT "taking my head off"? Seriously? Awww that's so sweeet! Poor baby, I didn't realise you were so sensitive, and that I was upsetting you so badly all this time. *lol*

Seriously dude, have some perspective.
posted on April 10th, 2015, 11:42 am
Seriously Atlantis why you find the need to reply to every one of my post i don't know and i don't know why i even take time to reply to your ones.

Funny thing is Dominus_Noctis reply then i reply back then tho well that it for now. Then you come out of no where just to start shit up lol you have nothing to do or something well i guess your reply with some more shit but ill be the bigger man and stop and not re reply to your post.
posted on April 27th, 2015, 6:54 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:We've had longer downtimes between versions in the past

It's pretty damned close. It's been 2.5 years since 3.2.7, and nearly 4 years since the last release that included game material (maps, ships, balancing). The gaps between Beta 2 Patch 2, v3 Preview, and 3.0 were about 2.5 years each*.

Part of the reason for the chafing is that you're about the only game in town for a good quality Trek-based RTS experience. I've tried a couple of Trek mods for other RTS games and they've been rubbish, with poor installation experiences, bugridden, poor gameplay (putting a Trek polish on a turd of a RTS just makes it a lacquered turd), etc.. I suspect this is a big factor why this community has stayed loyal.

This time around we are glad that you and the other devs have been more communicative. Please keep it up.

* Based on dates taken from the 3.2.7 FOReadme.txt file.
posted on April 28th, 2015, 1:24 am
I don't by it. There's no way you read the readme. Nobody reads readme's.
posted on April 28th, 2015, 2:22 pm
Lol and yea for sure this is the best ever trek mod out there by a LONG way too and easy the best RTS trek mod EVER.

PS Project Progress down to 59 :D
posted on April 28th, 2015, 2:42 pm
Hmm going on 4 months from the last news post hoping for a new one soon :D /// With lots of info :thumbsup: :o
posted on May 20th, 2015, 7:47 pm
Hmm been 113 days from last news post from Dominus_Noctis moving very fast in to 114 days hope we get some news soon 3.2.7 is really really dead now gay really as ill like to play few games as NX seem very far off at mo so who know maybe Dominus_Noctis like to give the Fleet Ops community some real info on where NX is would be really nice and something new from the Devs

Have good bank holiday to anyone who has it like me :D
posted on May 20th, 2015, 11:53 pm
Dude. You need to chill out on wanting progress updates. Like seriously, this is borderline obsessive, and I can barely understand what the frak you're typing.
posted on November 11th, 2015, 4:20 pm
Fantastic and well done to all involved.
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