Can someone help a n00b out? want to play this game online w

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posted on October 5th, 2009, 3:29 pm
Hi all :rolleyes:

I have only played against the computer a couple of times, and i would really like to play against human players with the same skill as me. Anyone up for a game? and where doo ppl play? i checket gs and no one is on :blink:
posted on October 5th, 2009, 3:32 pm
Hey there!

The majority of players here play using Wippien servers. I'm probably not the best person to explain this, so I'd wait for someone else too. But heres the link if you want to explore.

Nice to meet you by the way :D

Free P2P VPN software - Wippien.
posted on October 5th, 2009, 5:10 pm
Hi Scion!
Might I recommend downloading the guide in the FO downloads section? It will have the instructions on how to set up Wippien correctly :). The current list of Wippien players can be found here, first page, first post:

Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations - Wippien List -Sign Up Now! (I will keep it updated on a continual basis)
posted on October 5th, 2009, 7:17 pm
Also, check the thread for an utility for Wippien that lets you add a list of players to it at once.

You don't want to add 60+ players one by one.

On another note, welcome to the Multiplayer community.
posted on October 5th, 2009, 8:23 pm
DarthThanatos wrote:Also, check the thread for an utility for Wippien that lets you add a list of players to it at once.

You don't want to add 60+ players one by one.

On another note, welcome to the Multiplayer community.

Wait, there is?

....well that was about an hour (at least) of my life down the drain!
posted on October 5th, 2009, 8:31 pm
Yes, next time I will sticky it to the first post. However, you can find it on the last post :)

It shouldn't take you an hour though--just copy and paste :P
posted on October 5th, 2009, 10:03 pm
Thx for the nice help guys i eventually got a hang of it and played a couple of onlinegames today:D damn borg are powerfull :borg: oh yeah i also added ppl one by one, nice to know there is a list out there :shifty:
posted on October 5th, 2009, 10:11 pm
I was in one of those games :) Me and Mort couldnn't handle the power of the borg, even when we "allied" (what? Romulans will be Romulans Mort ;))
posted on October 5th, 2009, 11:28 pm
Lol, sounds awesome: wish I didn't have exams :(

I'll be sure to join you guys full fledged this weekend :D

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