Clan Ibkw

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posted on June 11th, 2006, 2:29 pm
Clan IBKW is a A2 clan that has recently branched out into FO. Our players are primarily located in North America and Western Europe and speak English. Some players however speak German. We have no members at this time but are looking forward to gaining some membership and working with other clans as soon as possible.

Clan B!G is already working with us and will possibly be forming online games with IBKW. This is not possible until we attain membership, however. New members that are unfamiliar with fleetops, or those who have standard knowledge of fleetops will find IBKW is a good place to come for training and development. IBKW already is one of the better clans in A2 and is very good at training, we intended to do the same in FO.

Please visit IBKW homepage and register as a visitor if you wish to know more about us. If you would like to join please contact myself or Chancellor Bear 285 at
posted on June 12th, 2006, 1:29 pm
Last edited by hypercube on June 12th, 2006, 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
nice site.
the adress is a mouthfull isnt it :P
posted on June 12th, 2006, 2:58 pm
yeah! it's some kind of the huge xD
posted on June 12th, 2006, 5:52 pm
brother hood hmm will consider it
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posted on June 13th, 2006, 8:43 pm
Ya, the site adress is sort of long. Bear says he will look into changed it to, but for now it is going to remain the same.

Again, the clans moreso for English speaking persons at the moment. IBKW already has some German users at the moment but they only play A, so, if any of them end up playing FO we can support German speaking users as well, hopefully :)
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posted on June 13th, 2006, 9:07 pm
Btw, I am also Arastat, if any of you know me. I know you do, Jan :) I decided to make this my new username so its less confusing for my clan mates, this is now both my A2 and FO name.

For those who have not been able to access the site just yet and would like to hear about it ill go into a quick explanation about the way we work.

IBKW sticks and goes by actual Klingon law. Our clan is even ran like the Klingon Empire is, we have a Chancellor, a High Council, and different branches of the military. IBKW also very much values honor, duty, loyalty, courtesy and courage as actual Klingon’s do.

We have branches, or as well call them, "Great Houses." Houses are usually directly affiliated with a game that IBKW plays. I, for example, am head of House SunTzu, or the Fleetops House.

Members have the right to challenge "unfit" superiors for there rank in battle, as Klingons would. Don't be thinking that you can lose your rank unfairly however. There has to be special circumstances that determine whether someone is unfit and must fight for there rank before the challenge is authorized.

We have a collection of officers in charge of different sections of the clan. For example, the Klingon Academy; all training, experienced you are or not, can take place here. We have very good trainers and players here.

Another note I may want to add is that recent news from the IBKW head himself is the official clan charter has been completed and put up for display for all clan members. In this charter, which I have read earlier before I made this post, is that all great Houses will be organized with a mandatory ranking structure. In this ranking structure there is basically a 2nd in command of the house. So far my house does not have one.

When membership in IBKW:FO accumulates I will be needing a 2nd. I have noticed that many players that involve themselves in A2 and FO primarily speak English and German. I do not speak German and I believe it would be best to have someone who can speak both tongues as my 2nd. I would like to have a English and German speaking membership majority in IBKW:FO to make the online gaming experience "more compatible" with other players and clans that play FO. I will not be choosing my 2nd until I have a good base membership so don't expect me interviewing people just yet ^^;

Also, one last thing; if you are waiting a while for your visitors account on the website to be validated please contact me and I will try to get it validated ASAP. That shouldn't be a problem though; the site administrator is usually good about making sure everyone gets validated quickly.
posted on June 15th, 2006, 11:45 pm
and still B!G own ya :P
posted on June 16th, 2006, 9:41 am
It's just a matter of time ^^ AND the map was a bit nasty...
posted on June 19th, 2006, 2:37 pm
When play this clan and can other players join the game when they play?
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posted on June 19th, 2006, 3:22 pm
Yes, most definatly. IBKW will not restrict who you play games with, unless it is a sheduled game specifically for clan members only. We actually are looking torwards allying with other FO clans out there, one of my goals is to make the FO a more often played game, especially within our clan.
posted on July 5th, 2006, 9:03 pm
i join for da fo online or to **** you off ^_^ owell fo online any one?
posted on July 17th, 2006, 6:44 am
Last edited by Anonymous on January 17th, 2009, 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Greetings brother warriors.  I would like to extend an invitation to all those who are looking for a FO game to stop by the site and post in our Visitors section when they would be available for combat.  We have players from Canada, United States, Germany, England, and Wales.  Like any clan we strive to improve game play and to present a postive image in the gaming world.  We play with honor and expect no less from our opponents.  I am sorry to add that SunTzu2000 has left IBKW to become more involved in EVE.  A leader of the Great House of Fleet Ops will be appointed in an upcoming High Council meeting.  So please if the thought of joining a rough and ready clan of Klingon Warriors sounds to your liking.  Contact any IBKW member you see in the Gamespy Lobby, tho I would like to mention there is a problem with name changers in that lobby, they are people whose conduct is poor at best.  So posting on the site with your information would be the best way to set up a game.  

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

posted on November 25th, 2006, 6:10 am
hey yah iv played aginst you IBKW guies me and lumpybob faced you you guies were pritty good (i was head crabs)
posted on November 25th, 2006, 6:14 pm
Last edited by Smoerebroed on November 25th, 2006, 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
cool some movement here ^^
i always look for some games in FO; haven't played so often recently :(
so IM me or write a PM to my account ^^

:edit:: either use ICQ or MSN please
posted on November 25th, 2006, 6:24 pm
And next time we meet you guys shall die
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