Come my Hamachi network Middle europe GMT +1 Hungary

Here you can arrange online encounters and reminisce over past online battles.
posted on February 20th, 2009, 6:39 pm
Made a hamachi fleetops network. Who would love let it join.
Name: fleetops86
Code: fleetops86
Come, that at what let us be more people.
This European server Hungary, with a word middle time zone.
Greeting for everybody.
posted on February 21st, 2009, 8:02 am
If possibly tellik the network write onto me onto this title and I do an other one.
Nicely increase:D as hamachi version I use it:D
Who are playing now playing a good game for a tooth for everybody is you.
I send developers a message about it: KING THE GAME
Only in this manner long:D.
Beautiful you develop it nicely:)
posted on February 21st, 2009, 6:51 pm
A man would be needed for 9 clocks by evening today GMT 1
2vs2 onto a game there may be a man like that who is not starting.
Let it join my network let him be kind.
I say thank you for it.

2009. II. 21
posted on February 22nd, 2009, 9:36 am
You do not know it that the routeren which port it is necessary to open it, that the game properly dub?
Out of Sync:S
posted on February 22nd, 2009, 10:20 am
sutee wrote:hi.
You do not know it that the routeren which port it is necessary to open it, that the game properly dub?
Out of Sync:S

Might be a problem with the current version of FleetOps.

These are the ports that have to be opened:
Code: Select all
DirectPlay 8 Ports

2300..2400 UDP inbound and outbound
6073           TCP inbound and outbound

GameSpy Ports

80         TCP, outbound
6500     UDP, inbound
6667     TCP, outbound
13139   UDP, inbound and outbound
27900   UDP, inbound and outbound
28900   TCP, outbound
29900   TCP, outbound
29901   TCP, outbound
posted on February 22nd, 2009, 11:08 am
i played a few games last night and hosted them and not once did i get an Out Of Sync but when ever i play you or your mate Balu i do so it might be somethig with your connection...

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