Drr Stop Spamming Generexes!

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posted on June 9th, 2010, 7:44 pm
Seriously!? 3 Games in a row!!!! Laheavels are the counter to generexes and I still cant touch them!
posted on June 9th, 2010, 7:53 pm
Is that why you were spamming Leahvals last game? Btw Leahvals don't do to well when face by two spheres, no matter how much your allies support you :lol:.
I assume the problem you're having (when my Spheres aren't having a nice Leahval luch) is that Generix Support Refits tend to negate your damage by recharging shields? You need to target the Support Refits first, but I do agree that Generix Support Refit is the most annoying ship in the game that isn't on the list of OP/bugged units.
posted on June 9th, 2010, 7:56 pm
it was a 3v4 and I never had more than 7 at all. Laheavels have a passive that increase damage to medium range units such as generexes and your spheres
posted on June 9th, 2010, 8:10 pm
Yes, but Leavhals only have a def value of 18, so they can get dmged quick quickly, AND Frigates do more dmg to units with a def value under 20.
posted on June 9th, 2010, 8:38 pm
reins died instantly. another win for drr with generex frigates
posted on June 9th, 2010, 8:42 pm
Generix actually consist of thre different ships. I use all of them. Mostly the Frigate against Klingon, Rom and Dom and the Spectre against Fed and Borg. I could use Disruptor refits too but then its like...you spam disruptor refits :)

Get me some turrets and i will not spam ships anymore.
posted on June 9th, 2010, 8:54 pm
Drrrrrr wrote:Generix actually consist of thre different ships. I use all of them. Mostly the Frigate against Klingon, Rom and Dom and the Spectre against Fed and Borg. I could use Disruptor refits too but then its like...you spam disruptor refits :)

Get me some turrets and i will not spam ships anymore.

Turrets? You speak of Romulan turrets? Bah! As if abit of pew pew would scare you (or anyone else for that matter) away from attacking?  :lol:
posted on June 9th, 2010, 10:11 pm
NuclearDude is indeed correct - Leahvals are countered by Frigates for the cost and because they deal more damage due to Projectile Weapons. :)
posted on June 9th, 2010, 10:45 pm
Please use the PM function for such issues. Thanks. :thumbsup:

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