Drrrrrr played awesomely

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posted on October 9th, 2010, 8:04 am
Just want to take my hat off to Drrrr who played a great game last night as feds.

It was a 3v3 and after quite some time our team (comprised of not so good players) managed to take our Drrr's allies (i think one quit before he was really destroyed though).

Drrrr survived all alone for i think more than 30 minutes against 3 players, and in the end, overcame all of us with huge fleets of defiants and sovvies.  While it can be said that a good player should be able to overcome 3 weak players especially when he is Feds, its still one set of hands and eyes against 3.

Well played sir!  Well played.
posted on October 9th, 2010, 8:32 am
kudos!  :thumbsup:

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