Fleet Operations Tournament Website
Here you can arrange online encounters and reminisce over past online battles.
posted on July 22nd, 2008, 10:50 am
Last edited by Eufnoc on July 23rd, 2008, 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operation’s Tournament Site
I have set up a fully working Fleet Operations tournament site in the hope to get the game played online a-lot more, We have our first tournament set for the 30th August 2008 (Saturday) and registration for this tournament finishes on the 23rd August 2008 (Saturday), We at FleetOpstournament.net are hoping for a full house on the 30th and look forward to seeing many off you taking part.
In the future of the site I am looking to set up a working league for the site so that players can keep track of there win’s and losses’ however this probably will not be set up until the first tournament is completed!!!
For the full tournament rules, to register for a tournament or to check out the status of a current tournament just head over to Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations Tournament Site - Home any comments or suggestion would be great if you could email me Eufnoc(at)Gmail.com or better yet post on this topic!!!
Many thanks guy’s and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operation’s Tournament Site
I have set up a fully working Fleet Operations tournament site in the hope to get the game played online a-lot more, We have our first tournament set for the 30th August 2008 (Saturday) and registration for this tournament finishes on the 23rd August 2008 (Saturday), We at FleetOpstournament.net are hoping for a full house on the 30th and look forward to seeing many off you taking part.
In the future of the site I am looking to set up a working league for the site so that players can keep track of there win’s and losses’ however this probably will not be set up until the first tournament is completed!!!
For the full tournament rules, to register for a tournament or to check out the status of a current tournament just head over to Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations Tournament Site - Home any comments or suggestion would be great if you could email me Eufnoc(at)Gmail.com or better yet post on this topic!!!
Many thanks guy’s and Happy Gaming!!!!!
posted on July 22nd, 2008, 1:36 pm
This sounds great man just what we need! I hope i can make the time for a game!
posted on July 22nd, 2008, 1:38 pm
You got to be in it to win it people!!!! the more people who register and take part the better tournament we will have!!!
posted on July 22nd, 2008, 1:41 pm
do we play against our opponent at a time suitable for us both? cos i am more likely to play in the morning/afternoon GMT then the evening at the moment. just saying as it would be handy if i had an opponent at the other side of the time zones lol how are opponents picked?
posted on July 22nd, 2008, 1:53 pm
Last edited by Eufnoc on August 3rd, 2008, 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The first tournament as mentioned will be on the 30th August 2008, registration for the tournament will begin now and will end 1 week before hand on the 23rd August, there are 16 spaces open for the tournament, it is a 1v1 tournament.
It has come to our attention that some more rules need to be added or modified to make the tournament more fair and more realistic.
Admiral Logs need to be saved by both sides at the end of the game in case of dispute by either side.
Another important thing we need to cover is The Klingon Star Base, it has been brought up on the forums that the Klingons have a near unstoppable starting strategy which is heavily unbalanced and will ensure that the winner of the tournament is Klingon. Of course we need to make sure that all players have a fair chance, so to stop this all players are now being told you may NOT build K’Tinga’s from your Star Base, if it is suspected by your opponent that you are doing this the Admiral Logs will need to be sent by both sides and will be checked. The Klingon player will be disqualified.
I sympathise with Klingon players on this as I personally play as Klingon’s but as many games against people have proved this has a 9/10 chance of finishing the game in the first few min and unless some fluke happens in the battle will win.
Finally the last part is the time which the tournament will be played, it is clear that 48 hours for all games is not long enough matches especially with the likely hood that we will have a full house. The first match MUST be played and submitted by Sunday 31st the Quarter Finals MUST be played by Wednesday,
Semi Finals MUST be played by Friday and the Final MUST be played by Saturday 6th September by 0000 GMT. If you can for example have all matches
in the same day as everyone is available then by all means do so!
The Rest of the tournament Rules remain the same:
Use of the most recent patch/version released is a requirement and please note that Daylight savings is in effect in most countries and you may be further away from GMT then you may think please check using Google.
Tournament Format
* UP TO 16 Players
* Single Elimination
* 1v1
* Each Round is 1 match (a second round may be played if deemed by Tournament Staff.)
Match length is until the winner is determined.
A winner is determined when a player from one team is destroyed or surrenders.
Matches do not need to have the same map within each Round.
* All match results must be reported at the end of each round to tournament staff by both players using the website and Admiral Logs NEED to be saved by both players.
Rounds are won by the player who wins the Match.
Tournament Staff may modify Round(s) Structure and Tournament Layout based on involvement levels. Players will be informed before the tournament of any such modifications.
Tournament/Game Settings
Competitors are responsible for deciding who will act as the host this is why you have a solid week to get this sorted, please make sure you are able to host online beforehand in case it is required.
Competitors are responsible for ensuring that the game settings are correct and match those listed below, players accept the hosts choice of discretionary settings in the pregame launch when they click accept:
* Starting Resource: Standard
* Lock Teams: Yes
* Enable Cease Fire: No
* Starting Location: (Players Discretion)
* Game Speed: Normal
* Resource Sharing: (Players Discretion)
* Resource Rate: Standard
* Race Selection : (Players Discretion)
Settings may be modified by Tournament Staff. Players will be informed before the tournament of any such modifications.
Any 2 person map provided standard by the Fleet Operation’s Team.
Each map may be modified by Tournament Staff. Players will be informed before the tournament of any such modifications.
The map selection may be changed prior to the tournament. Players will be informed of any such changes before the tournament.
There is no set map for Rounds or Matches. Matches do not need to have the same map within each Round.
It has come to our attention that some more rules need to be added or modified to make the tournament more fair and more realistic.
Admiral Logs need to be saved by both sides at the end of the game in case of dispute by either side.
Another important thing we need to cover is The Klingon Star Base, it has been brought up on the forums that the Klingons have a near unstoppable starting strategy which is heavily unbalanced and will ensure that the winner of the tournament is Klingon. Of course we need to make sure that all players have a fair chance, so to stop this all players are now being told you may NOT build K’Tinga’s from your Star Base, if it is suspected by your opponent that you are doing this the Admiral Logs will need to be sent by both sides and will be checked. The Klingon player will be disqualified.
I sympathise with Klingon players on this as I personally play as Klingon’s but as many games against people have proved this has a 9/10 chance of finishing the game in the first few min and unless some fluke happens in the battle will win.
Finally the last part is the time which the tournament will be played, it is clear that 48 hours for all games is not long enough matches especially with the likely hood that we will have a full house. The first match MUST be played and submitted by Sunday 31st the Quarter Finals MUST be played by Wednesday,
Semi Finals MUST be played by Friday and the Final MUST be played by Saturday 6th September by 0000 GMT. If you can for example have all matches
in the same day as everyone is available then by all means do so!
The Rest of the tournament Rules remain the same:
Use of the most recent patch/version released is a requirement and please note that Daylight savings is in effect in most countries and you may be further away from GMT then you may think please check using Google.
Tournament Format
* UP TO 16 Players
* Single Elimination
* 1v1
* Each Round is 1 match (a second round may be played if deemed by Tournament Staff.)
Match length is until the winner is determined.
A winner is determined when a player from one team is destroyed or surrenders.
Matches do not need to have the same map within each Round.
* All match results must be reported at the end of each round to tournament staff by both players using the website and Admiral Logs NEED to be saved by both players.
Rounds are won by the player who wins the Match.
Tournament Staff may modify Round(s) Structure and Tournament Layout based on involvement levels. Players will be informed before the tournament of any such modifications.
Tournament/Game Settings
Competitors are responsible for deciding who will act as the host this is why you have a solid week to get this sorted, please make sure you are able to host online beforehand in case it is required.
Competitors are responsible for ensuring that the game settings are correct and match those listed below, players accept the hosts choice of discretionary settings in the pregame launch when they click accept:
* Starting Resource: Standard
* Lock Teams: Yes
* Enable Cease Fire: No
* Starting Location: (Players Discretion)
* Game Speed: Normal
* Resource Sharing: (Players Discretion)
* Resource Rate: Standard
* Race Selection : (Players Discretion)
Settings may be modified by Tournament Staff. Players will be informed before the tournament of any such modifications.
Any 2 person map provided standard by the Fleet Operation’s Team.
Each map may be modified by Tournament Staff. Players will be informed before the tournament of any such modifications.
The map selection may be changed prior to the tournament. Players will be informed of any such changes before the tournament.
There is no set map for Rounds or Matches. Matches do not need to have the same map within each Round.
posted on July 22nd, 2008, 4:15 pm
Last edited by Shril on July 22nd, 2008, 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Great stuff, count me in.
posted on July 23rd, 2008, 11:31 pm
Ok Everyone we have 9/16 players now, the last few spots will be on a first come first serve bases!!!![br]Posted on: 24-07-2008, 00:11:09
http://fleetopstournament.net/index.php ... 2&Itemid=1
http://fleetopstournament.net/index.php ... 2&Itemid=1
posted on July 27th, 2008, 12:24 am
If any of you that are in the tournament have x fire, please add me Dontai123
i have msn as well if needed.
i have msn as well if needed.
posted on July 27th, 2008, 4:18 pm
I dont use xfire and not even msn.... i should install msn again...
posted on July 27th, 2008, 5:21 pm
Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations - X Fire users
Woooo 11/16 users people, nearly there, I will lock in when it reaches 16
Woooo 11/16 users people, nearly there, I will lock in when it reaches 16
posted on July 30th, 2008, 9:42 pm
12/16 - four more places left!!!!
1 MrSpecial
2 Mathesar
3 Dontai
4 Eufnoc
5 amb
6 Tyrel
7 Mutant Hippie
8 RFO Cairo1
9 RFO_lumpybob
10 starfleetcommand3
11 RedManMark86
12 TParis
1 MrSpecial
2 Mathesar
3 Dontai
4 Eufnoc
5 amb
6 Tyrel
7 Mutant Hippie
8 RFO Cairo1
9 RFO_lumpybob
10 starfleetcommand3
11 RedManMark86
12 TParis
posted on July 30th, 2008, 11:38 pm
Thats right, I'm #1! And don't ya'll forget it!
posted on July 31st, 2008, 12:10 am
That's cuz your special.
posted on July 31st, 2008, 12:47 am
I ain't just special, I'm MR Special!
posted on August 3rd, 2008, 8:13 pm
Please not updated Rules, all members have recived an email and the rules pge has been updated.
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