FLOPS Hamachi Server

Here you can arrange online encounters and reminisce over past online battles.
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posted on July 28th, 2009, 7:07 pm
try to think of it like this:
THEY are the GODS while u are a puny mortal. you dont challenge THEM. THEY speak to you if THEY wish, in THEIR endless wisdom, to do so. if THEY don't speak to you, you should be grateful for every single breath you can take while THEY allow your pitiful existence to continue. the punishment for disobedience and boldness is severe but rewards for humble service are vast and glorious.

posted on July 29th, 2009, 1:27 am
Last edited by Dominus_Noctis on July 29th, 2009, 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
OK Listen up people! The Verdict is in. Although it is a bit more confusing to set up, Wippien is far FAR superior to Hamachi. Less lag (aka almost none) for starters.

Spread the word. This should help YouTube - How to Set Up Wippien VPN in XP

You will need a FREE gmail/jabber account to run this (available at mail.google.com). That is all. Everything is free. The Network size is unlimited, is safer then Hamachi, and most importantly, is so much faster and doesn't drop out on you.

One thing to note, doing the "route -f" does nothing FOR VISTA USERS (not sure about xp), so don't do it. Also, make sure to move your Wippien network in the "manage network settings" list to the TOP of the list so it gets priority.

Add DominusNoctis1 and tokwieci
posted on July 29th, 2009, 1:31 am
Hmm, It will be hard to get the word out to everyone, but I think I will take a look into it.
posted on July 29th, 2009, 1:32 am
Well, we should do it the same way as hamachi. Trust me, this service makes hamachi look like crud. If we get a few more people to test with Tom and me, we can also give a verdict on 2v2 etc.  :D
posted on July 29th, 2009, 9:49 am
I am downloading it now, having some teething problems, but I am confident I will get it to work. Basically when I try and create an account/use an existing one (by the way, which do I use when I have a googlemail account?) it can't connect to the server.
posted on July 29th, 2009, 9:53 am
if you have googlemail, just type yor adress into the id-field
but i have the same problem when connecting...
posted on July 29th, 2009, 9:54 am
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Well, we should do it the same way as hamachi. Trust me, this service makes hamachi look like crud. If we get a few more people to test with Tom and me, we can also give a verdict on 2v2 etc.  :D

How about an 8 player FFA :P
posted on July 29th, 2009, 1:27 pm
Last edited by Dominus_Noctis on July 29th, 2009, 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted  :lol:

8 player would be awesome :D
posted on July 30th, 2009, 7:08 pm
Hi,i haave instaled wippen,but how do i change network,there is no such options to do it.thx
posted on July 30th, 2009, 7:19 pm
Last edited by Dominus_Noctis on July 30th, 2009, 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations - Wippien, better than Hamachi!

This is the thread that contains all our nick's so far. Just click the green add button if you've got Wippien working, and enter our wippien addresses. The when we get to our computers/etc we will accept :). It acts like one big network (unlimited amount of people can have the vpn connection)
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