Hamachi / Questions

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posted on June 26th, 2009, 3:12 pm
Hey folks

I just read that the most players use Hamachi to make a network game.

Now please tell me how i have to use it.

i Installed hamachi and joined the network called FLOPS... and now?

how can a play online?

posted on June 26th, 2009, 3:22 pm
Probably a good idea to PM/MSN someone and then once they are online and you can see them active in your Hamachi networks, start up FO, click multiplayer, click TCP/IP (wait a loooooong time...sometimes), click create game... and they should be able to see it and join.

If you wait until 5 something pm (easter U.S. time) I'll be there to show ya. If not, Funnystuff and Adam C should be on sometime earlier (probably 2-3 hours earlier). Good luck and have fun  :thumbsup:

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