How to play online

Here you can arrange online encounters and reminisce over past online battles.
posted on February 15th, 2010, 4:03 pm
So gamespy doesn't work so I started using wippien, except I don't know how to use it in order to achieve online gaming. Is there any directions that people could give me? or maybe I should use something other than wippien idk. let me know please.
posted on February 15th, 2010, 5:40 pm
Hi, most of us are using tunngle now
you dont have to add people in this program, just go to the armadaII-lobby under strategy games - thats where we are hanging out
also check out the Tunngle-thread for more info  :thumbsup:
posted on February 15th, 2010, 9:06 pm
Please check the Tunngle guide - the Tunngle thread isn't as helpful :)
Using Tunngle - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Fleet Operations

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