Looking for game right now!!!

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posted on August 2nd, 2007, 8:43 pm
Anyone want a game? im online most of the night[im in england] so add me on msn Danielfield@hotmail.co.uk or Yahoo mutanthippie, or message me in this thread. Im dieing for a game ><

posted on August 2nd, 2007, 10:03 pm
I is in the lobby
posted on August 3rd, 2007, 2:16 pm
hey Dominus want a game?
posted on August 3rd, 2007, 2:26 pm
I really would like to... however >:( I happen to be in Taiwan at the moment with a computer which has no Armada II, and no FO capability  :crybaby:.

When I get back on the fifth/6th to the US, I'm game though! B)
Where's your location?
posted on August 3rd, 2007, 2:29 pm
Im in England
posted on August 3rd, 2007, 3:19 pm
Ok, I'm balancing everything with college so if you don't mind some (probably a lot of) disapointments, just e-mail me or send pm's when you want a game... hmmmm that sounded weird.
Dr. Lazarus
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posted on August 3rd, 2007, 9:33 pm
The Doctor lives in the UK too. God save the, err... Queen  :ermm:

Rule, Britannia! Britannia rules the... wait a minute!! We don't rule anymore. Shame...  :crybaby:
posted on August 3rd, 2007, 9:37 pm
yeah and we lost the empire right around the time woman got the vote >.>
Dr. Lazarus
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posted on August 3rd, 2007, 9:42 pm
hmm maybe we should reinstitute the old ways. And then, slowly, take over the planet by a process of assimilation  :assimilate:
posted on August 4th, 2007, 1:06 pm
i can see that going horribly wrong...Resistance is floor tile
posted on August 4th, 2007, 2:47 pm
Hail britannia *hears loud shouts of traitor in the background*

My father emigrated here from good 'ol england
Dr. Lazarus
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posted on August 4th, 2007, 3:00 pm
Excellent! That means I'm surrounded by more Brits than I originally thought. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the Queen's speech, followed by the Italian Job.

"One more thing lads. In this country, they drive on the wrong side of the road!"  :lol:
posted on August 4th, 2007, 3:30 pm
Speaking of movies.... like that transition...I really like The Italian Job. You should watch Con-fidence (or is it Con-fident): fairly good.

The wrong side of the road thingy really bothered me in singapore and malaysia, cuz I went to put my stuff in the bus and realized the door and compartments were on the other side.

posted on August 4th, 2007, 5:28 pm
I'm Canadian...with parents from Germany, lol. I mean, can I get some credit for being a former colony? By the way...thank you guys for...ALMOST saving us from the French Canadians. I don't mind French people at all, but French Canadians and I never get along.
Dr. Lazarus
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posted on August 4th, 2007, 6:25 pm
Yes, the Commonwealth definitely counts. Welcome to the club.  :thumbsup:  And also. let us not forget that the UK still officially owns Bermuda. Yahooo!!  :woot:
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