Need Some Help Please...

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posted on August 1st, 2010, 12:28 am
Okay well I want to start playing online as now I have a good internet service, but I don't really understand how to do it. I have downloaded tunggle, and made an account. I have logged in and found Fleet Ops, and went into the room with all the other players. But I don't really understand how to start up a game. I don't really understand the part in the guide that says "Simply enter "Local Area Network" or click the "Internet-Tunngle" icon and create or join a game", as I have never used a program like this and can't find any button to click. Any help is appreciated.  :thumbsup:

posted on August 1st, 2010, 1:12 am
Once youre in tunggle start up fleet ops and go to the multiplayer option and click on the internet/tunngle button, thats where you join/create games, not tunngle itself. Altho with the new update you dont have to start tunngle first, it will fire up automatically once you select it in the game multiplayer option. Good luck!
posted on August 1st, 2010, 9:46 am
welcome to the forums. :D

once you have done what equinox said you should then be in the lobby. where you can double click any game to join it. red games have already started, yellow games are a version mismatch.

or you can click create game to make your own game.

if you need any help feel free to pm me

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