Not wippien :\

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posted on November 11th, 2009, 3:58 pm
Well i've got Wippien (Vippien) installed for about 3 days now, so far i have found..

1. that is is generating a lot of connections for no apparent reason... sometimes flooding the network connection and it will reset.
2, It takes a long time to connect to certain members.
3. Has a crappy chat.
4. can't scroll down or up in the list well sometimes it notices i want to scroll up and it will scroll up actually i am scrolling down and it goes up.
but worst of all it is unstable for the 1st reason mentioned.

i would rather see Wippien have a more basic chat, no voip and a proper connection system..
So far wippien is a nice work in progress but it isn't ready to be used properly maybe one day it will be nice to use.

things i did like are..
adding as many people as you want and not hamachi crap of 16
and the nice thing of shutting down the (wpn)-network adapter...

Are there any other ways to play with you because atm i do not like wippien i would actually start it up for a game of armada but i would rather use hamachi as this is more stable.

so far side effect has stated it well "only half of Wippien works and of that half only half of that work, but hamachi2 works for 3/4 altho if it bugs you will have to restart"

So if there is any Hamachi network going for armada or perhaps another way ? i have noticed gamespy is not reachable or is that just me ? (Tried with all ports open)  :crybaby:
posted on November 11th, 2009, 4:10 pm
Sorry, but as far as I know, all (or all players I know) have migrated to wippien.
posted on November 11th, 2009, 4:22 pm
Direct IP connection should be a good option too, but it might require some configuring to a possible NAT router.
posted on November 11th, 2009, 4:52 pm
Zebh wrote:Direct IP connection should be a good option too, but it might require some configuring to a possible NAT router.

that is a good idea actually, not sure if modders can do this tho..?

as long as you have all the armada 2 ports open it should just work
posted on November 11th, 2009, 5:12 pm
Is it on a gate setting? Like in the setup video? That could be the reason for #1.

Though if it is, than maybe it is a bad copy and needs re-installation.
posted on November 11th, 2009, 7:10 pm
The ports are same as in unmodded Armada2, and the Direct IP works too, but naturally require that all players have the same version of the same mod.
posted on November 11th, 2009, 8:35 pm
i mostly agree with U. wippien is not perfect, its rather far from it.

hamachi is dead cuz of two reasons:
  • ppl come and go. having to set up a new network every 2 weeks is stupid. it mainly fills up with players who play regularly.
  • from my experience it lags less with wippien.

U can also use other im client and minivpn
posted on November 11th, 2009, 10:05 pm
I tend to agree with Tom: even though Wippien has its issues (although I've experienced relatively few of them), Hamachi and Gamespy just are riddled with problems and lag far worse in my experience. You'll only find 5 or so total players on either of those services - and only 1 on at a given time.
posted on November 12th, 2009, 2:59 am
Could give a shot to social vpn. Its core concept makes use of simply installing a private VPN that you authenticate against using gmail / jabber / etc [whatever the core login model is there] and if your friends are on and have it installed it puts you all in the same private vpn.
posted on November 14th, 2009, 9:07 am
Last edited by Mikeltje on November 14th, 2009, 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

yes i have set it up properly also added in the gateway and set the recommended metric but thanks for the suggestion.

yes i agree that hamachi 16 limit for free is silly and hard to manage with large groups, that is the strenght of wippien as you can add in a lot.

I will try reinstalling wippien as i do really want to play with everyone.


looking at socialvpn atm
posted on November 14th, 2009, 2:13 pm
One other thing you might consider doing Mikeltje is to migrate to a gmail or jabber account - perhaps your issues are caused by the overcrowded Wippien server (I made an announcement about this in the official Wippien thread).
posted on November 14th, 2009, 2:19 pm
yes i have read that already but thx ;) i'll try that when i got wippien reinstalled, are you up for a game later maybe ?
posted on November 14th, 2009, 2:34 pm
Probably :) . Haven't played regularly in close to 4 weeks now, so not sure what will happen :D
posted on November 14th, 2009, 9:52 pm
11 people on at the moment - where are you?  :(
posted on November 15th, 2009, 2:41 am
sorry can't make it :( i'll pm you as soon as i am ready and you are available thx for the time tho :)
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