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Question: what shood i do

Total votes: 7
1.good idea1 votes (14%)
2.bad idea0 votes (0%)
3.good idea,iwould be intrested in joining0 votes (0%)
4.bad idea, i would not be intrested in joining0 votes (0%)
5.good idea, but i do not have an intrest in joining1 votes (14%)
6.nutrel2 votes (29%)
7.good idea, opion0 votes (0%)
8.bad idea, opion0 votes (0%) not form a nother clan-ish, thing3 votes (43%)
10.other (speficy please)0 votes (0%)
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posted on June 23rd, 2005, 8:56 am
over the past 4 days or such i have ben waching next gen and many episodes were abour romulans. thus my absolute respect for the romulan entiratery has sky rocketed. i will disband RFO ,but i will spawn a new clannot exactly a clan but a band rather of romulans whos gole is nothing more then to serve the empire.

although i regret the loss of rank by dooing this i hope to in some way cerate a form of further achivement perhaps a promoatian to a circel of commandeation or some kind of reward or something a request some suggestions for my new clan and ansers to my many questians

i will mack spesifications later but i also must say this
i invite preators opion
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 9:56 am
so basically you change the word clan into a group and where there are no offical ranks, unofficially you can get some sort of promotion

isn't that just a clan?

but anyway who cares. Do what ever you seem fit
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 10:08 am
i see...
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 12:09 pm
i think its a realy good idea but you will need to be carfule haw you strucher things ts very easy to loos controle of a clan like this.

i sugest 3 or 5 top ranking spots the 3 or 5 pepal in those spots whood have more voting pawer than pepal how are not.

uther pepal in the clan whood have pawer two. here haw it works.

whan thares a desintion to be made thares a vote it takes 2 reguler votes to = 1 top racked vote.

this is more relasitic to a romulan sinet and i think mite work. you do need to keep some leval of sinyority to give pepal in the clan some thing to work tords and to make seror detions like hiring and fiering.
to meny pepal in controle coses nothing to get dun to lital coses pepal to be come dissatified with the groops detions.

make ser you keep an od nuber of pepal in the to racked cercal to make to help to make a up or dawn vote on things.

aside from this you can hand out speshal ranks to those with skills to help pull in usefull pepal. the ranks wood not get more voting rites than evry one elss. thay whood get the abilaty to moniter lower leval ranks and if thay are a hi leval rank thay get a speshal designation with whood meen thay are less liky to be removed rite away if thay did some thing rong depinding on whay thay did of cores.
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 3:45 pm
I wouldn't listen to ewm hes too democratic with things. Think things out too much to where half the people here has not a clue what hes talking about.

I on the other hand will keep it simple, if you want a clan without ranks, you can, but thats what RLF is already.
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 3:48 pm
ok PREATOR DEFIANT thinking is a bad thing for you i take it.

simple no thinking PD thinking is bad for your heth.
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 3:51 pm
Oh thinking is no problem for me, for you on the other hand, all the plans you make come out like a child making a nuclear reactor. It's like idiot jibberish, no wonder you guys lost the election.
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 3:53 pm
Last edited by ewm90 on June 23rd, 2005, 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
lets keep polatics in the politacl thred. i whood realy like to rebutal this but thares a time and place for evry thing and this is not it.

you come back if you must respond do it in the politacl thread.

the only thing we have going for us is that the repulicans mess up all most evry thing thay have tuched.
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 4:03 pm
Either that or you can't think of a comeback, I understand.
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 5:28 pm
no "do i get a cooky" option :cry:
anyway just sounds like another clan dude :blink:
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 7:01 pm
it is a nuther clan.
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 8:54 pm
it is a nuther clan.

sorry like any other clan around :rolleyes:
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 9:06 pm
no, well yes I mean? well... nooooooo!
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 9:06 pm
rfo is gone! (this is right, right)
posted on June 23rd, 2005, 9:07 pm
stfu lump
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