posted on May 23rd, 2009, 3:38 am
Today Serpicus, St3ve and I played a game! We were all Borg, which was interesing. The map we were playing on was "Winds of War" I believe. St3ve on bottom left, I on topcenter, and Serp in right. after a while, I built up 3 tatical cubes. I had been secretly building and moving to the neb so nobody could tell what I had.
So I took my 3 Tactical cubes and through the nebula to attack Serp. When I emerged from the nebula, to attack Serp, back at my base, St3ve's fleet of cubes emerged from the nebula to attack my base. I easily destroyed Serps base and he easily destryed mine. Meanwhile, Serp was attacking St3ves! Afterward, we all said at the same time, "K I'm dead!"
St3ve quit. I however managed to keep a constuctor and rebuilt a base at Serp's old base, and he built one at St3ve's base! Later, he destroyed my Transmission Matrix (or what ever reseaches connections) so I couldn't build any more ships. He then came with a fleet and managed to destroy my 2 cubes and my base (1 cube escaped). After playing cat and mouse, he finally got me!
Funny hugh?