Winter Tournament 2018 (plz join us on Discord)

Here you can arrange online encounters and reminisce over past online battles.
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posted on December 1st, 2017, 5:47 am
Awesome man! I also wanted to ask you if you might be up for commentating! :)
posted on December 1st, 2017, 11:42 am
I might come back for some games and destroy you noobs but ill need dates in case i have work, im sure i can get fuzzeh to come back as well.

Bet you the whole tournament will be plagued by issues of closed ports and crashes on windows 10.
posted on December 1st, 2017, 1:10 pm
eraldo20 wrote:I might come back for some games and destroy you noobs but ill need dates in case i have work, im sure i can get fuzzeh to come back as well.

Bet you the whole tournament will be plagued by issues of closed ports and crashes on windows 10.

Awesome eraldo! Ill write your name down on the list, and if you could get fuzzeh that would be awesome too! About the crashes issue, Shadow discovered it doesn't happen if you use his old install. Maybe the download online is somehow a tad corrupted. I use an old installer I downloaded years ago and it works beautifully with no crashes on mine and friends' computers. We could probably upload these files in Teamspeak!
posted on December 1st, 2017, 3:30 pm
I could play... It seems like if we havent already we should discuss all random vs picking races and what times people are available to play. It is 1v1 right?
posted on December 1st, 2017, 6:07 pm
hart276 wrote:I could play... It seems like if we havent already we should discuss all random vs picking races and what times people are available to play. It is 1v1 right?

Hi hart, the tournament will not begin until mid/late January. This is the initial recruiting phase (I'll call it) so I can get a head count and plan a format to best accommodate the tourny size. The design is still up in the air, but you can bet that it will consist of some 1v1s. That being said, I am working with Kamk to see if we can formulate a team phase for if we get to the final 4 or so, in the bracket then they could play a 2v2. That's one idea so far! Let me know what you guys think.
posted on December 1st, 2017, 8:09 pm
A tournament? In 2018?

I can come.
posted on December 1st, 2017, 9:09 pm
It be easy for me to win :D :lol: :lol: :lol: so you can count me in.

Someone has all ready said but i think for sure should be random not picking races as we all know race is a big part in Fleet Ops and someone on the same skill lvl it all comes down to what race you are so RANDOM is the best and only way to go if you ask me but up to you funny as your tournament.

On a side note when get to later round and if it is random it should be best of 3 or 5 but this is for later rounds only can also do first to 2 on early round so everyone get a good shot at it and not all just random @P

Nice job getting this started funny hope it turn in to a real Tournament!!!
posted on December 1st, 2017, 11:16 pm
The Mighty Master wrote: i think for sure should be random not picking races as we all know race is a big part in Fleet Ops

I like this idea for the final bracket. However, keep in mind I have a tendency to make things way too complicated, but it might be neat to have a "best of two out of three" or "three out of five" for the final round, and give the player the option to pick their race if they are one game away from losing the tournament. Or even just the option to pick your race for one of those games. Would be interesting. I agree that there should be a reward for those who have mastered other races.

The Mighty Master wrote:It be easy for me to win :D :lol: :lol: :lol: so you can count me in.
On a side note when get to later round and if it is random it should be best of 3 or 5 but this is for later rounds only can also do first to 2 on early round so everyone get a good shot at it and not all just random @P

Lol I should read before I type! :lol:

The Mighty Master wrote:It be easy for me to win :D :lol: :lol: :lol: so you can count me in.

Haha, speaking of which, I was thinking of making some changes to the higher tiers of the pools to accommodate more prizes for runners up. It has been suggested that more people will play if they have a chance to win something. Would you guys be alright if I modify the higher prize tiers to allow for the creation of a prize for 2nd and 3rd place?
posted on December 2nd, 2017, 12:06 am
posted on December 2nd, 2017, 1:23 am
Hey everyone, I have updated the prize. I hope everyone is ok with the changes!
posted on December 2nd, 2017, 3:33 am
Also I will give the winner a special ship name in Tryptic's Mod

(Occasionally certain ships will be built with their name, e.g. a B'rel named "Shadow's Interceptor")
posted on December 2nd, 2017, 4:01 am
Fantastic man, I was actually going to reach out to you to see if that would be something you might be up for!
posted on December 2nd, 2017, 10:29 am
I'll be there if i have the time, i might be rusty but ill be practising.
posted on December 2nd, 2017, 5:07 pm
Hi Defiant, do you think you'll have time for arranged 1v1s around the end of January and into February?
posted on December 2nd, 2017, 5:23 pm
I would like to join
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