Wippien!!!! Why? ... WHY? isnt it working :'(

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posted on November 6th, 2009, 3:27 pm
Ok. In the past wippien has crashed and been very finicky to me and a lot of others. However, right now, no-one I know can access it!!!!!  >:( Why? WHY? does it do this!!!!?  :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:
posted on November 6th, 2009, 3:59 pm
"Your free trial has expired please pay X hundred dollars if you want to continue your membership..."  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
posted on November 6th, 2009, 4:13 pm
Working for me :)
posted on November 6th, 2009, 5:03 pm
Technology is just Evil, plain and simple. >:D

the cooler it is, the less reliable it is.  it seems to work just long enough to get you hooked, and one you have a taste for it...

i dont know, as much tech stuff i have, the more i think the Amish have it going on.
posted on November 6th, 2009, 5:36 pm
Ok Its back online now, but why is it so finiky!!!!? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:
posted on November 6th, 2009, 5:46 pm
funnystuffpictures wrote:but why is it so finiky!!!!? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

Because you touch yourself at night  :naugthy:

  Ba-zing! :2guns:
posted on November 6th, 2009, 6:15 pm
Never mind it isnt working  :crybaby: Mort and I cant creat or see any games :(
posted on November 6th, 2009, 6:18 pm
funnystuffpictures wrote:Ok Its back online now, but why is it so finiky!!!!? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

The server they use is sadly sometimes unreliable... I think there were plans to move to a better one - but not sure when, or if that move was made. Likewise, it could just be random routing issues between your computer and the server  :(

When I get home I'll see if I can help out in some way - doubtful I know, but hopefully it's a complete blackout, rather than one limited to you or him.
posted on November 6th, 2009, 8:45 pm
:borg: :borg: the server is currently being assimilated.

"strength is irrelevant resistance is futile"
posted on November 7th, 2009, 9:54 am
Nah it's still because Funny thinks funny thoughts about sheep while going to bed :yucky:
posted on November 7th, 2009, 4:24 pm
Ok, I just logged on a few min ago and a message apeared.

[glow=yello,2,300]Wippien server updated to 2.1 - which is latest ejabberd version. Hopefully, it will not go down that often anymore. I keep my fingers crossed. If you don't like all those issues with jabber server - you can always switch to some other, even using your own GMAIL account. You can still use Wippien as application, you will just have different JID.[/glow]
Hopefully this  is true. At least it's telling me exactly what I want to hear.

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