Zebh & Beat2k10 vs Alt end & Bigmac 5.6.10

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posted on June 5th, 2010, 12:23 am
Last edited by Myles on June 5th, 2010, 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
This is a game overview of a game I observed on Friday 4th June 2010

It was a team game 2 vs. 2 on the map Asteroid Halma. The structure was as normal, top left vs. bottom right.

The players were:

Team 1: Zebh as the blue Martok Klingons(bottom left) with Beat2k10 as the orange Martok Klingons (top left)


Team 2: Alternate End as the white Optimise Borg (bottom right) with Bigmac as the red Martok Klingons (top right)

Outcome: Victory for team 2

As you can see a lot of people played Martok Klingons in this match. Team 1 were both Klingons and so obviously scouted immediately. Zebh and Beat2k10 agreed that Zebh would get Vor’cha class as early as possible without sacrificing too much production of lower vessels, while Beat2k10 would produce large quantities of field yard vessels. Both Zebh and Beat2k10 produced B’rels as expected facing a cloaking race.

Zebh showed his prowess by expanding quite early and got his expansion mining fully operational on a reasonable timescale.

Beat2k10 was slower at expanding, trying to expand to the nearest moon pair in the middle tunnel of the map. This is not usually easy for Klingons as they don’t build a second Field Yard, only extensions to the first and most fast expansions use a proxy yard for added defense. The possibility of placing an expensive Heavy Weapons Platform was made impossible by his tactic of producing K’beaj’q class vessels from his Kahless station, draining him of much needed resources. So his mining expansion was easy prey. His later attempts at expanding to his natural expansion were all destroyed. I think it was this early expansion mistake which contributed largely to the outcome.

A mistake was made here by Alternate End as well, he let his scout attack Beatk2k10’s out of position mining, and the detector was destroyed easily by Beat2k10’s and Zebh’s combined Field Yard fleet. See attached image 1.

Alternate End expanded a little too quickly, before the usual 3-5 strong fleet for Optimise Borg, the fact that his Klingon ally (Bigmac) had his early build order good kept them on track. Bigmac expanded slightly slower than Zebh but not as slow as Beat2k10.

In the early game Zebh had restricted numbers of Field Yard vessels due to his strategy, Beat2k10 had more of these ships but his mining mistakes slowed his production, meaning team 2 out produced team 1 in the long run.

Bigmac made an early mistake of placing his Field Research station at the front of his base instead of at the back. He later placed the Armoury and Battle Yard in the same area. It is possible he was building them here because he thought the back of his base was easy for cloaked fleets to strike from, but instead he allows fleets to attack from in front of his base. I prefer placing structures at the back. See attached image 2.

Early attack as expected centred around Beat2k10’s misplaced expansion, Zebh didn’t have enough Field Yard ships to assist in a strong defence. Alternate End’s early expansion left him with only 2 serious ships, a Dodecahedron with 2 intercept modules and a probe. Zebh was initially upset about the powerful Dodecahedron, but I think he got over it pretty quick as Alternate End only fielded one on the board at a time. The initial attack ended Beat2k10’s expansion to the middle rather quickly, I think Beat2k10 lost some ships as well, but team 1 did manage to destroy the initial Dodecahedron. They didn’t press the advantage though, allowing Alternate End to rebuild his fleet.

Bigmac did very good scouting, placing cloaked scouts at several key places.
As the game progressed Alternate End quite smartly built a mixed tech adaption matrix, allowing Adaptors to be built which take reduced damage from Klingons, which were all of his enemies, so a good move. But he matched that with an odd build of spamming probes fast, I’m thinking he forgot to do Establish Energy Nodes when necessary. He built a supply incubator rather early as well, probe spam probably hurt his supply.

Things started going badly for team 1, beat2k10 was producing far too slowly with only 1 moon pair. Team 2’s fleet was growing, with adaptors building up and spheres coming along nicely. Zebh’s fleet was growing nicely, but team 2 stopped beat2k10 expanding.

Alternate End was silly sometimes, leaving his fleet lying around instead of teaming up with Bigmac to go dish out some serious pain. See attached image 3.

Bigmac took out Beat2k10’s Field Yard and then Zebh cleaned up all team 2’s expansions. Beat2k10 rebuilt his yard but put it in a bad position for cloaked ships to kill again. See attached image 4.

In the end the result was obviously team 2 steamrolling team 1. Zebh didn’t bother using his fleet to defend his base, he ran across the map killing everything that moved that wasn’t in range of a starbase. In the end he quit when his base was finished off and the gg was called.

The EM scout cube showed its worth today, decloaking Beat2k10’s fleet and allowing the rest of the fleet to wipe out over half of it.

EDIT: got some formatting errors


Image 1.jpg
Image 2.jpg
Image 3.jpg
Image 4.jpg
posted on June 5th, 2010, 12:44 am
maybe this could go in the awesome games thread I created?  :blush:
posted on June 5th, 2010, 12:57 am
I dont have a specific placement for buildings, my priority is to get mining stations as close to the starbase as much as possible then build the other stations as close as possible.
posted on June 5th, 2010, 11:50 am
i've played in that position on that map before, there is room to put those stations behind the starbase. i think that is usually better, as zebh quite easily levelled your stations while staying out of range of your starbase.
posted on June 5th, 2010, 8:22 pm
You have made a very nice description Myles.

About that attack on Bigmac's base: I took quite much damage from the starbase actually when I was retreating. I planned to use the polaron torpedo to disable the station's weapons so I could cloak safely. However it seems that Bigmac's timing on starbase upgrade was perfect, as all of my torpedoes missed and I had to go trough the base uncloaked :P

I think the game itself was very good.

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