Kuddo's to the New website

Post here comments, questions about the board or the site. Found bugs? What you like, what you don't like.
posted on June 6th, 2012, 8:52 pm
I just wanted to say, well done, to the new website.
The design is just beautiful!
Great job on the design!
posted on June 7th, 2012, 3:51 am
I agree, This is soo awesome its like my Birthday. :P :wub:

Great work Devs, you have once again outdone yourselves again. This can only be a hint at how good the next patch is going to be.

And if there be any out there who still lack faith in the Devs abilities, this is proof that if you wait long enough, the Devs will always deliver and never let down. :woot:
posted on June 9th, 2012, 4:15 pm
Absolutely gorgeous. And it was my birthday just two days ago. So thank you :D
posted on September 1st, 2012, 9:45 pm
Greetings, massive props on the new website, very nicely done and was a pleasant surprise once the login was sorted. Gonna get my FO sorted and play some ai. Hope everyone has had a nice summer. :thumbsup:

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