Request For New Subforum

Post here comments, questions about the board or the site. Found bugs? What you like, what you don't like.
posted on June 11th, 2014, 2:11 am
With this bold new step towards a new project, I realized that NX might either be able to support or include a single player campaign, possibly even a co-op. While the NX project could take on the challenge of script writing, the option might also exist to request plot submissions and/or mission layouts.

To that end, a subforum where stories and mission layouts could be read and reviewed would be ideal. The criteria could be limited to the TNG era or even more so limited to FleetOps. And so, I request;

FleetOps Fiction
For everything FleetOps from stories to mission layouts.

And may the wind be at your backs :)
posted on March 5th, 2015, 10:01 pm
I remember back in the day DOCa and Optec had an entire story line planned with the Noxter and the Iconians. Not sure if this is still the case. I am talking 2002-5 sort of time line lol.
posted on March 5th, 2015, 11:27 pm
Welcome back Eufnoc! :)

We do indeed have a storyline planned out, but that doesn't stop anybody from coming up with their own! Down the road we hope to have NX support campaigns. It is unlikely we will build in support with the first release.
posted on March 5th, 2015, 11:30 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Welcome back Eufnoc! :)

Thanks, good to be back! :)
posted on March 6th, 2015, 2:54 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:We do indeed have a storyline planned out, but that doesn't stop anybody from coming up with their own! Down the road we hope to have NX support campaigns. It is unlikely we will build in support with the first release.


I thought it might be useful to include a sub forum where these ideas could be shared rather then the general discussion or suggestion areas.

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