Future of the Human Race

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posted on March 17th, 2013, 12:36 pm
So much talk about other species of alien races, about their rising and decay.
What happens to the Klingons ? How is the weather on the planet Vulcan ?

Leave this aside and let's talk about the Future of the Human Race.
Can you imagine the future of humanity? We live in some kind of Federation like in Star Trek ?
Or we declined, due to wars and live underground like in the Buck Rogers movie ?

I recently saw a second time "The Adventures of Pluto Nash" , action that occurs approximately in 2087. In that time, man has already built cities on the Moon, they began mining the moon. Man has already built androids, human cloning is possible. This means that there was extended human lifespan, at least for another 60 years.

Not solve anything if you live long, because in the year 2087, the Earth's natural resources have been largely depleted, and humanity has to find an alternative way to survive. For this, he explores outer space, established colonies on Mars and the Moon, mining the Moon and asteroids.
posted on March 17th, 2013, 12:46 pm
i have that film. everyone said it was one of eddie murphy's worst, but i liked it.

as for our race, i don't have huge hope. greed is a big problem. the resourcefulness and ability of our race is very good, but our greed means we waste a lot of that. i don't think we're even close to the utopia gene roddenberry imagined.
posted on March 17th, 2013, 2:50 pm
well by nature humans are quite violent and yh greed is a huge issue we have as a race, also were living too long and society can not really cope with people living longer and young people needing jobs

i suppose if we do colonise the moon or mars then we may be ok for a short while but not long
posted on March 17th, 2013, 5:56 pm
The future isn't as bleak as some people make it out to be. There are literally hundreds of years worth of coal, natural gas and oil still available and the only thing limiting how and where we extract it is cost. As the cost of these goes up then we will go get them. We haven't even begun to touch nuclear in any serious manner, in fact France is the only country that has taken it seriously. Hopefully Thorium reactors will be taken more seriously considering that they produce less waste than Uranium reactors and are cheaper to build and safer. Solar is something else that is in its infancy and has alot of room to grow.

As for food that really isn't an issue either since you can grow food in deserts with hydroponics faster than you can grow food on cropland. The only issue with hydropnics is initial capital investment but since you can grow three times as many crops in a year as on land it quickly pays for itself.

Only 3% of land is urbanize right now and most cities don't even utilize skyscrapers at least to the extent that a city like New York does so we have room to move outwards as well as upwards.

The only thing I am worried about is that there are currently no plans that I am aware of to begin contructing fleets of Star Destroyers so that we can look to conquer other worlds. This is very disappointing to me as I don't think we are living up to our potential. :(
posted on March 17th, 2013, 7:15 pm
"Future of the Human Race".

In the long run, there is none. Of course, neither does anything else.
posted on March 17th, 2013, 7:27 pm
The Human Race has a great potential, but still untapped, to defend, explore, and eventually to establish trade route's and such with other worlds. We have a huge database of stellar addresses to hundreds of other solar systems, but still can not reach them because of long distances and we don't have a warp drive. But who knows, maybe in 20-50 years, we can have such an engine, after all we already imagined and we have an idea of ​​how it works. The only problem is, how to build such a warp engine :-)

So far we have made ​​many archaeological discoveries about other civilizations that have disappeared from our Earth, as a result of natural disasters. Our current civilization would be number 7 available at this time. After some calculations many civilizations existed on Earth, and there will be many more in the future, the human race is one of them.

Considering that in the past our planet has been visited by aliens, is quite possible that in our wanderings through the Universe, will meet several alien races, some friendly, some enemies. Maybe we'll even find the remains of a warp engine, rebuild it and start exploring the universe.
posted on March 17th, 2013, 9:25 pm
miklosgo wrote:, maybe in 20-50 years, we can have such an engine

think your being optimistic with that but it would be nice

as a result of natural disasters. Our current civilization would be number 7 available at this time.

im going to assume your mixing up 7 lost civilizations your meaning the mass extinctions, were not civilizations but large collections of species

Considering that in the past our planet has been visited by aliens,

im not sure how to respond to this..

is quite possible that in our wanderings through the Universe, will meet several alien races, some friendly, some enemies. Maybe we'll even find the remains of a warp engine, rebuild it and start exploring the universe.

considering the billions upon billions of stars there is bound to be something out there somewhere, how advanced they would be from microbes tho who knows.
posted on March 19th, 2013, 1:19 pm
well this is fun. you need to define a time in the future. otherwise you can make up anything.

technically the human race will die... some time in the future. that is the best prediction I can give.

Other than that, The near future like 20- 50 years in the future:

US debt created a second collapse in the economy. Their global power inverted inwards when the US government seeks to blame the cause on its social construct. Economic build up is hampered by global effects of global warming. making weather less predictable.

EU control remains stoic. Immigration outside of the EU is tightened while its role on human rights through foreign aid is diminished. It turns a blind eye to Russia since it has ties to gas and other resources. EU tightens control on intellectual wealth and supports subsidizes intellectual growth through green technology.

Russia's large resources and unrecognised land grab of the north pole makes puts it into an renaissance of economic wealth while division is created between poor and wealthy. poor Human rights laws and medical ineptitude in fighting Aids (epidemic proportions) makes society unstable. Russia welcomes immigration from the US but it is well known of making rich successful businesses government owned

China is ever so looking inward in providing social control.Information is still tightly controlled and riots are swiftly dealt with via internet and real life. Economic growth continues at the expense of others. Neighbouring countries and Africa deal resources with china through it creating illegal trade and ecological damage to their nations.

Africa is still the garbage dump continent. Growth through china by providing better infrastructure though not all countries are in deal with China. South Africa seems to be lagging in development since social tensions remains high. Nigeria is becoming the economic powerhouse though corruption is high.

India is providing most of the medication in the world. Providing pills through tough economic regulation by banning global involvement. The UK is one of the few nations having tight relations with India by opening its healthcare system to them.

Rest of the countries... i donno... should give a taste of how it would look like
posted on March 19th, 2013, 5:17 pm
I think humans are going to survive...
lets see what we're really good at.

1) War, lets face it- this is what we're really good at. strategy, conflict, territory, expansion; what we've always done.
2) Science, yup we are- besides a few slip ups (mid-ages) most of the time after the 1500s in europe has been world changing discoveries every 50 years ( now its every 2-5 years)
3) Economics/Trade, besides the crashes that happen here and there, we're good. very good. we've successfully managed ~150 years ago to create a unified world economy, which is no small feat.
4) Diplomacy, one word, Switzerland. and another, Cold war (complete sucess in the sense that there Wasn't a nuke conflict
5) Exploration, We are a race of explorers, no question. we're always inspired to go further, push higher, dig deeper. I put it here because many don't want us to go further for no reason wantsoever (which i find stupid)
6) Social, yes we are. Facebook prooves it. we make allies and enemies very easilly. we ally with those who ressemble us most and exclude others. this can be both good and bad depending on the ways things look.
0)Survival, doesn't really count, but if there is a 1/1000000000 humans will survive, they will.

now we love war, but because of 2),6) and 0), war is becoming less and less of an alternative. the human race is stupid, but it won't shoot itself in the foot like that anytime soon. this means that science will take over. trade might have if it wasn't for the open flaws in the capitalist system; it will fall apart. add that to the fact that space exploration is shooting in interest (dispite nasa budget cut)... this means that we're going to go in this order in about 100 years
1) Science
3) Diplomacy
4) Exploration
5) Economics
6) Social

but war is still a possiblity because of man's inherent aggresiveness. we won't be united anytime soon.
But if aliens come...

Hostile aliens:
1) War
2) Science
3) Social (we groop up)
4) Exploration
5) Economics
6) Diplomacy
We will be trying to defend ourselves. we will want to fight them with all our might. we will try to catch up to the aliens in the tech sense as mmuch as possible. we will be very xxenophobic after some time and we won't value exploration as much. we will forget the ways of economics and diplomacy trying to, well, survive.

Friendly aliens, Hostile humans (there will be a conflict, if the anti-alien groop wins)
1) War
2) Social
3) Science
4) Diplomacy
5) Economics
6) Exploration
If we react in a hostile way, this means taht we will be looking for war, we will be extremely xenopobic and economics won't be so importaint (depends on the interstellar economics). Science will be importaint tokeep our smug superiority but the ways of exploration will be long gone because of xenophobia.

Friendly aliens, Friendly humans
1) Diplomacy
2) Science
3) Exploration
4) War
5) Social
6) Economics
Here we basicall turn into the ufp. we want excelent relations with the the aliens and we will value science and exploration to keep up with our friendly neighbours. war and xenophobia will be of a long distant past (because of the aliens being big brothers to us). and economics (capitalism) is a source of inequality, but i=this depends on interstellar economics.

This is my opinion but i think its not too far from reality.
posted on March 19th, 2013, 5:18 pm
Of course Humans will survive; they're too stupid to die!
posted on March 19th, 2013, 5:54 pm
GrandAdmiral wrote:2) Science, yup we are- besides a few slip ups (mid-ages) most of the time after the 1500s in europe has been world changing discoveries every 50 years ( now its every 2-5 years)

that's a common misconception, that the middle ages were a time of stagnation in technological advancement. hence why they are also sometimes called the dark ages. the middle ages were not significantly different from what came before. the only change is that in more recent centuries advancement has got a lot faster.

one possible reason that the middle ages were seen as a "dark period" was because they began with the collapse of the western roman empire, which was commonly seen as light (light of rome), so the barbarians brought darkness. when in reality the barbarians had their own civilisation and technology (they managed to beat the romans, they couldn't have been that stupid).
posted on March 19th, 2013, 6:34 pm
Myles wrote:they managed to beat the romans, they couldn't have been that stupid

made me think of this :P
posted on March 19th, 2013, 7:58 pm
hellodean wrote:made me think of this :P

good video.
posted on March 20th, 2013, 12:32 am
Indeed, it was a sort of, well, snobbish definition and sense of nostalgia by the clergy (who were the only ones who could read or write back then, and in latin and/or ancient greek, so they knew more than most about history given those were the two main languages of antiquity and most accounts were written in those tongues). Really, the "Dark Ages" were just a changing of the guard, an end of Roman dominated society, the first "Age of Empire" and the formation of Modern Europe as we know it.

Of course, the Romans own accounts didn't help this idea of a "Dark Age" either, since of course they viewed all others as uncivilised barbarians, hence their accounts tell of how their Empire was sacked, civilisation destroyed etc when to be honest, twasn't really any different to when the Romans conquered places themselves. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

Anyways, I digress.

Its sad to say, but there will always be those who justify war, the same as there will always be those that justify dictatorships, justify discrimination or justify terror. I don't think humanity will ever wake up and stop trying to destroy itself until an outside force comes and threatens to exterminate us, all of us, regardless of creed, colour or sex. Only then will we band together and finally start thinking, acting and most importantly feeling as a unified species.
posted on May 24th, 2013, 9:44 am
Definitely not like in Star Trek, they are so primitive that they consider aging and age related diseases something to be desired... a view rather best suited for medieval times. Of course, deathists will not even notice this problem...

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