New JMStV in Germany, how will this side react

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posted on November 30th, 2010, 2:19 pm
Last edited by Quatre on November 30th, 2010, 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
First, for the germans.

Wie sicherlich einige Wissen ist der neue Jugendmedienstaatsvertrag mitlerweile duch alle Instanzen bestätigt oder so gut wie bestätigt. Das bedeutet, dass zukünftig jede deutsche Webseite, egal ob Forum, Blog oder irgendwas anderes, eine Alterseinstufungen pflicht. Auch rückwirkend für alle Inhalte.
Die beste Aufbereitung über die ich bisher nach einigen Verlinkungen gestolpert bin ist diese hier:
Lesepflicht für alle: 17 Fragen zum neuen JMStV » t3n News
Schlimmer als für die meisten kleinen Seiten wird es für Fleetops durch die "Gewinnerwartung" durch die Schaltung von Werbung. Auch wenn die nur der Serverfinanzierung dient. Vielleicht ist da sogar sowas wie ein Supporterstatus böse. Es müßte also nicht nur eine Alterseinstufung mit eventuell geeigneter Zugangserschwernis für zu junge User erstellt werden sondern es müßte auch ein Jugendschutzbeauftragter gestellt werden.
Die ersten Blogs kündigen schon mal die Abschaltung an und es werden wohl noch sehr viel mehr werden.
Nun könnte man darüber böse spekulieren, da Seiten wie Spiegel oder Bild von dem Vertrag ausgenommen sind, aber bei der derzeitigen Regierung würde mich nichts wundern.

Es stellt sich für min nun mal die Frage wie die Seite darauf reagieren wird. Schließlich liegt sie ja auf einem deutschen Server und es gilt somit deutsches Recht.
Welches Alter kann man hier wirklich nehmen und wie erschwert man die Zugang entsprechend...
Besonders da nicht mal die notwendigen Kennzeichnungsinsitutionen funktionieren.

Einem Verhaltenskodex einer freiwilligen Selbskontrolleeinrichtung muss man sich wohl eh unterwerfen (oder sollte es).

Verstöße schlagen schon bei nicht kommerziellen Seiten mit ziemlichen Summen zu Buche..
Also, wie macht Fleetops nun mit der Seite weiter?

Hier mal der Wortlaut (achtung Juristendeutsch)
Synopse – JMStV-Wiki

For english readers

In germany we have a very strickt protection of minors  On 1.1.2011 a new law will become opperative.
This law was made for TV and radio in the past so it is bad for the internet.
All weboffers hostet in germany have to say if the side is ok for 0, 6, 12, 16 or 18+ ones. All contend on the webside (even the years old) is counting.
For all who are to young it has to make very hard or imposible to see that contend. For forums it may be enough to adopt the code of behavior of a "self-control-constitution". But Fleetops is more then just the forum.
And Fleetops is an commercial side because we see ads here (= they want to make money). So Fleetops will need an protection of minors assignee with full name an adress.

Some blogs now declared to go offline. Some now some 31.12.2010.

The question is, how wil thel Fleetops side react and maybee change.

And yes, this side is hosted in germany ;)
posted on November 30th, 2010, 2:55 pm
German policies have IMO always been a bit schizophrenic, overprotective and such.

Take for example the game "Red Alert". The soldiers are not allowed to be named soldiers, but robots or drones or whatever.

The horror of sending a fictional GI to be crushed by a fictional Soviet Heavy tank.
posted on November 30th, 2010, 4:32 pm
Reply from a german:

Noch mehr Bullshit den niemand braucht.

Now the translation:
Thats great, I've always wanted that... totally agree with our reality-near-politicans that make rules for anything everybody needs. Who needs better education if we can send in another must-have-feature like age-protection where everyone asked for?

Great! Thats what we need now. Not a better economy, a healthier health-care-system, better infrastructure or at least one politican with just a single working brain cell... No, we need... JMStV!!!

A already packed my things, I'm going to switzerland.
posted on November 30th, 2010, 5:08 pm
Teile deine Meinung.

Nun hat auch einer dieser Freiwillige Selbstkontrollevereine (eigentlich eine Selbstzensur) eine FAQ rausgebracht.

Einfacher macht die das ganze auch nicht...
FSM - JMStV-2011: Häufig gestellte Fragen

Für Foren reicht scheinbar ein Meldesystem.
Mal schauen was da in den nächsten Tagen noch kommt...

In English
Just another FAQ.
The next 2 month will be funny.
posted on November 30th, 2010, 5:19 pm
Sheva wrote:Reply from a german:

Noch mehr Bullshit den niemand braucht.

Now the translation:
Thats great, I've always wanted that... totally agree with our reality-near-politicans that make rules for anything everybody needs. Who needs better education if we can send in another must-have-feature like age-protection where everyone asked for?

Great! Thats what we need now. Not a better economy, a healthier health-care-system, better infrastructure or at least one politican with just a single working brain cell... No, we need... JMStV!!!

A already packed my things, I'm going to switzerland.


Wow, what a load of bull. And what a waste of time for everyone. I mean, why bother, "protection" on the internet is a pointless joke. There will always be porn sites or "dangerous" social networking sites or fiery blogs, kids will always go looking for them whether they're supposed to or not, and apart from per-computer parental controls, nothing is going to stop people from looking at them; the simple little enter your birth date screen certainly won't. Which is completely separate from the fact that people either go looking for these sites or they don't, they usually don't just "stumble across them" and even when they do if they don't know what the site is talking about, they won't care. Of course based on that first article the loop hole is obvious, just move to a non-German host since they're not requiring anything of hosts outside of Germany and can't exactly block out the whole world. Based on that first article, all forums will have to do is provide some kind of reporting system, although the fact that we have ads may have other impacts.

The only reason for a law like this is money. They're probably expecting to collect tons of money in fees or fines or something like that. The main catch I suppose will be enforcement. It's a bit like our "No talking on cell phones while driving" laws. Great in theory, but not so easy to actually enforce. I feel like this will just turn into those silly TV ratings we have here in the US; nobody pays any attention to them.

This has been an American perspective.

Oh and by the way Quatre, it's "site" not "side".
posted on November 30th, 2010, 7:24 pm
This law makes as much sense as the actual weaponlaw does in germany ....  :crybaby:
posted on December 1st, 2010, 12:36 am
Wait you can buy sex in germany but now we have to say what age the fourm is appropriate for?
posted on December 1st, 2010, 9:09 pm
looks and sounds like a law that would be Forced on the "People" of China or North Korea  not a Democratic Free people of a country like Germany but then im not to up on how the governments of Europe are set up  its been a few years sense ive been in school and World Governments wasnt my strong area.  I just love how  Governments can make up laws Enforce them without the citizens being able to say we dont like that law repeal it  nope all we can do is just not vote for the people that made it when the next election comes around but the next people we vote in dont repeal the law....   

so much for    Of the People By the People For the People    its more like  Of the government By the government For the Government  or Of Greed  By Greed For Greed

End Rant...
posted on December 3rd, 2010, 4:50 am
You could see such a thing could happen in America soon aswell. Look at Australia were M and AO (not that there are any) are banned...
posted on December 3rd, 2010, 5:31 am
I doubt it as there has yet to be any formal entity (that I know of) which controls "the internet" except for perhaps the FCC which has about as much power as a wet noodle. If anything happened, I bet the closest we would get is something like the TV or movie or game ratings systems; mostly suggestions, but can be used with parental controls to limit access. America has never been terribly overprotective in this regard, and the FCC's ass has, over all, been fairly loose when it comes to censorship; they move with the times and loosen up little by little. On top of that, if anyone tried to enact a law like this, half the country would be up in arms about censorship and/or free speech. So we probably won't see something like this any time soon. Or, if we do, it will be a weak and useless law.
posted on December 3rd, 2010, 6:17 am

just to your information, under German law it is totally uninteresting where the web-server of a website is located.
If a company / business is located in Germany or if you are a private person residing in Germany owning a website, German Law applies.

So moving the website abroad to avoid German Law is not an option as it has been mentioned. Possible only when ownership changes to someone abroad also.

Problem with our politicians is that they want to control all and everything.
If you take a closer look at our legal situation here (Germany) , you realise that they are slowly but surely implementing a form of internet censorship through the backdoor.
posted on December 15th, 2010, 10:21 am
Last edited by Quatre on December 15th, 2010, 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yeah, they try this for years now.
Thank god they have no idea how the internet works (some don't even know what a browser is).

And the JMStV has been destroyed.

In NRW (one federal state) the opposition of Die Linke (socialists), CDU (conservativ) and fdp (liberal) are against it. And the government (SPD, social democrat and Güne, ecologist) do not have the majiority in the parliament.
But now they changed their mind too and are against it because even the causer are against it. CDU and FDP where strongly involved making this contract - before there was an election they lost...
The JMStV is a contract all federal states have to accept. If they don't it fails.

What a political Punch and Judy show...

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