Androsynth wrote:Dom and Mal are A FIRIN' THEIR LAZARS!
But why can't this frikkin guide tell ma' ships to fire their phasars?
Bloody ensigns! I bet it was Kim,
Beating off to a Seven hologram...
But now he's dead Jim!!!
Stick with the counters, that what they say,
But all this lag and a hamster wheel how am I supposed to play!?
Now sphere's are incoming, but all I got are Bugs,
Great advice Weyoun, you nut and berry lovin mug!
Stung by online thrashings - all this dom atillary from above!
So I'm trolling da forums, looking for love
Not a merry man, but I can still dream of being l33t
F**k this man, I'm off to tweet!
Hehe... aww, that was crap!
+1 to Rammstein