The Doctor

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posted on September 12th, 2013, 4:42 pm
I was thinking recently, what if Doctor Who got a reboot after the thirteenth doctor rather than attempting to get the Doctor more generations, who would you choose to be cast as the Doctors 1 - 7 from the classic series?
posted on September 12th, 2013, 8:40 pm
I want my Amy Pond back no matter what even if they make up some goofy story that makes her the new doctor. And she needs to have a severe case of vestiphobia. :woot:
posted on September 13th, 2013, 9:25 pm
its a time based series, and they have already shown the doctor go into his own time stream

that's an easy way of 'in canon' reboot for him to diddle with his own past and regenerations from the beginning

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