Valve at E3

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Question: Which do you think is most likely for Valve to Announce at E3 next week?

Total votes: 12
Left 4 Dead III2 votes (17%)
Portal 32 votes (17%)
Portal 2: Episode 10 votes (0%)
Half Life 2: Episode 32 votes (17%)
Half Life 2: Episode 2: Part 22 votes (17%)
Half Life 33 votes (25%)
A New Intellectual Property0 votes (0%)
Team Fortress 31 votes (8%)
Other (Please Post)0 votes (0%)
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 4:46 pm
Valve has a wonderful reputation for trolling.  Don't get me wrong; they are wonderful people and I do not know where I would be without steam, but they claim to be announcing a game with "Three" in the title at E3 next week.

o/ Valve o
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 7:51 pm
Don't know "valve" and i couldn't care less about any of the possible titles you mentioned.

There is only one game i look forward to (and TBH it's the first one in years) and that is the new Fire Emblem: Awakening

Sure it is for the NDS, but the FE titles are masterful Turn based strategy games.
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 8:05 pm
Half Life? Have all good spirits moved out of your mind? Before they announce another Half Life they announce Duke Nukem Foreverever...
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 9:33 pm
My money is on left 4 dead. or portal.  Half life is not likely, I think they like leaving it where it is, and teamfortress 2 is still alive as f2p with full dev support.  Portal 2 is still pretty new, but I was so popular, it wouldn't surprise me if they made a 3.  I never played left 4 dead, but I know it was also extremely popular and its probably time for another release on it.

Since I think there is more money in the portal franchise atm, my vote goes for Portal, but I think L4D is just as likely. 
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 9:52 pm
I think Valve said they're not going to be working on a Left 4 Dead 3 for quite a while, assuming they do make one. They'd rather spend more time on the stuff they've neglected for a while, I've seen complaints that Half-Life has been neglected.

Don't quote me on that, it's just what I've heard from others.
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 11:10 pm
Last edited by TParis on June 2nd, 2012, 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
but they claim to be announcing a game with "Three" in the title at E3 next week.

That was a rumor which didn't turn out to be true. Gabe Newell already confirmed some weeks ago that they won't announce anything new at all.

Source: Et Tu, E3? Valve Not Planning Any New Announcements | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 11:37 pm
Gaben said they were not working on half life episode 3 and it isn't even yet confirmed so i seriously doubt that its the secret game, probably some random crap title you wouldn't even think of.
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 11:53 pm
Well, if we are only going off of rumors, then what about the Steam console?  :woot:

Exclusive: Valve said to be working on 'Steam Box' gaming console with partners, could announce at GDC | The Verge
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 11:53 pm
due to valve's aversion to the number 3 i'd be surprised if they even turned up at E3.

maybe they'll announce something at a different event, like pax.
posted on June 2nd, 2012, 11:54 pm
Myles wrote:due to valve's aversion to the number 3 i'd be surprised if they even turned up at E3.

maybe they'll announce something at a different event, like pax.
  Nope, pax has 3 letters in it.  :D
posted on June 3rd, 2012, 12:06 am
Adm. Zaxxon wrote:  Nope, pax has 3 letters in it.  :D

:blink: this is something i haven't considered. where else can they go that doesn't have a 3 link?

you know this gonna end up like that episode of tng where data put 3's everywhere, we'll find some connection with the number 3 for everything and disprove valve's existence.
posted on June 7th, 2012, 5:31 pm
Nothing new from Valve at E3, just stuff that's already been announced.

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