What on Earth Happened to Sigma?

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posted on November 23rd, 2015, 9:24 am
Hey everyone!

Despite lurking around here for the last few months, I've not really said or posted anything. Awhile ago I was creating a mod for Fleet Ops called Sigma. Due to several factors, mainly my desire to make the game commercial, I sort of put a killing blow to the mod over a year ago. In that time however I managed to find an engine that I could create and sell the game commercially, so I suppose I'll let anyone floating around here who was interested in Sigma know that it's being made again. Here's some screenshots:


And a little animation:

I'll put up more screenshots and info in the future here if enough people are interested. :thumbsup:
posted on November 23rd, 2015, 4:31 pm
Cool screenshots. Is the new Sigma going to be mixed ground and space maps, or just ground?
posted on November 24th, 2015, 10:20 pm
MadHatter wrote:Cool screenshots. Is the new Sigma going to be mixed ground and space maps, or just ground?

It's all on the ground now. I couldn't find a commercial engine that supported space combat gameplay like Fleet Ops.

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