A week ago I could create a map...now it crashes(3.1.4)

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posted on January 3rd, 2011, 5:30 pm
No matter what I do once I have changed the size of the map if I go back to the main menu or exit the game completely I can't go back into the map editor. Also, when I click to open up the map selection window its an instant crash aswell. Though I could do this a week ago no problem. All i've done is give the prommie more bang when both as a whole or seperated(used sov torps since it already used sov phasers).

Here is the log.


(87.81 KiB) Downloaded 212 times
posted on January 3rd, 2011, 10:42 pm
this is a known bug when a map has not gotton a map description. a workaround until next patch to still access the map is to run
Code: Select all
armada2.exe /edit "my map.bzn"

then add a map description in the map options (ctrl+r)
posted on January 4th, 2011, 7:33 pm
Oh right right right I knew I was forgetting to do something.

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